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Ethnic Media Services

Una Vida de Servicio y Cuidado Para Los Adultos Mayores

Para Dulce María Chávez cuidar a las personas mayores no es solo un trabajo es ofrecerles atención, cuidados y apoyo.

Vaccinate All 58 Briefing on Updated Covid Booster

Join California’s Vaccinate All 58 campaign to discuss the FDA-authorized updated COVID-19 boosters that will soon be available in California.

COVID-19 Does Not Take a Holiday

Our Weekly | A reminder to the Black community that increases in cases and hospitalizations from COVID-19 usually occurred within a few weeks of holidays.

Can Cow Urine Cure Covid?

India Currents | Covid myths and unsubstantiated cures for the virus abound in the Indian American community.

Labor Shortages Fuel Inflation – Why U.S. Economic Growth Needs More Immigrants

Experts say US needs more immigrants to keep pace with long-term economic growth. Speakers will explain what's at stake.

토지은행을 통해 공공주택 건립비용 절감에 나선 LA

본래 LA강 마스터 플랜으로 시작된 프로그램이었지만, 카운티정부는 이를 이 해 코로나19 팬데믹으로 심화된 공 주택 부족 현상을 해결하려는 계획을 세웠다.

三藩市: 兒童應​否接種新冠疫苗? 加州公共衛生 副主任這樣說

SkyLink TV | Should children get vaccinated for Covid-19?, a bilingual segment from the first 24/7 Chinese language TV network in U.S.

Misinformation Continues to Shape Course of Pandemic Surges

Our Weekly | The Black community is lagging when it comes to vaccinations. Many African-Americans have been exposed to a variety of covid vaccine myths.

With or Without Fear, Angelinos Continue to Visit Tijuana

La Opinión | Residents of Los Angeles continue to travel to Tijuana despite a week of violence that tore through parts of Mexico.

Dispelling Myths from COVID-19 Misinformation on Khmer TV

Khmer TV | The only Cambodian TV Channel in the US reports in Khmer and English, on COVID-19 misinformation and dispelling myths.

Mississippi Activists Fight Discriminatory Redistricting Practices

AsAm News | Vietnamese organizers say their community has no representation at any level of government in Mississippi, leaving their concerns unheard and unresolved.

Is Racial and Ethnic Hatred on the Rise?

California's state legislature has just launched an initiative called "Stop the Hate" to support nonprofits and ethnic media working to address the issue.

Entrevista con Dra. Lucía Abascal – Vacunas contra el COVID-19 para niños y niñas

Alianza News | Podcast with Dr. Lucía Abascal regarding the efficacy and safety provided by vaccines against COVID-19 for boys and girls.

The Muslim Freedom Fighter Who Hid a Sikh Revolutionary

While India's independence is remembered for the bloody partition separating what is today Pakistan from India, stories of inter-religious solidarity abound.

Cộng đồng Việt Nam chung tay bảo vệ con trẻ và diệt trừ dịch bệnh COVID 19

Radio TNT (Sacramento & San Jose) | Vietnamese Community Together Should Vaccinate Our Children Against COVID 19.

New Texting Policy Complicates Black Voter Outreach

Advocacy and voting rights groups are voicing concern over the new 10DLC text messaging policy adopted by mobile carriers.

Covid 19 sigue entre nosotros, ¿ya vacunó a su niño?

Community Alliance | The success of this vaccination campaign depends largely on the parents. But, many fear the Covid vaccine will affect the growth of their children.

California Leads Nation in Interracial Marriages

Interracial couples face a range of challenges in our deeply polarized, society, writes La Opinión's Araceli Martinez.

Nichelle Nichols ‘Boldly Went’ Where No One Had Before

The actress, who played Lt. Uhura on the 1960s series Star Trek, passed away on July 30 at the age of 89.

La desinformación política destinada a prevenir el poder latino amenaza a todos

En este momento tan peligroso para la democracia, el país no puede permitirse abandonar a millones de votantes a las continuas campañas de desinformación.

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