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Jenny Manrique

James Webb es solo la punta del iceberg en la exploración espacial

Los planes para devolver a los humanos a la Luna son uno de los próximos grandes esfuerzos tras el lanzamiento del telescopio de James Webb.

Micro-enterprises affected by COVID-19 battle to have access to the second round of federal government loans

Photo, Top: Charles Phillips, a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (left); Rep. Ted Lieu, D-California. Bottom: Sumita Batra, CEO, Ziba...

Microempresas afectadas por COVID-19 batallan por acceder a segunda ronda de préstamos del gobierno federal

Photo, Top: Charles Phillips, a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (left); Rep. Ted Lieu, D-California. Bottom: Sumita Batra, CEO, Ziba...

Census 2020: Coronavirus increases the risk of Latinos not being counted

From left to right: Dr. Lila Valencia (Texas Demographic Center), Ray Shackelford (Houston Area Urban League), Chris Valdez (Houston in Action) Coronavirus is contributing to...

Censo 2020: el Coronavirus aumenta el riesgo de los latinos de no ser contados

From left to right: Dr. Lila Valencia (Texas Demographic Center), Ray Shackelford (Houston Area Urban League), Chris Valdez (Houston in Action) El coronavirus está contribuyendo...

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