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Jenny Manrique

James Webb es solo la punta del iceberg en la exploración espacial

Los planes para devolver a los humanos a la Luna son uno de los próximos grandes esfuerzos tras el lanzamiento del telescopio de James Webb.

La Pandemia de los no Vacunados

Las personas que no están vacunadas representan la mayoría de las nuevas infecciones, hospitalizaciones y muertes.

CDC Experts Call New Surge “The Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

Also available in Spanish. As the Delta variant of COVID-19 spreads across the country, health authorities are concerned about the increase in cases in rural...

코로나19 전문가들, 마스크 착용은 당분간 계속돼야 한다

From left to right: Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Senior Fellow, Federation of American Scientists; Dr. Jose Perez, Chief Medical Officer, South Central Family Health Center;...


From left to right: Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Senior Fellow, Federation of American Scientists; Dr. Jose Perez, Chief Medical Officer, South Central Family Health Center;...

Quý vị nói “gerrymandering” trong tiếng Tây Ban Nha như thế nào?

By Pilar Marrero Có những thuật ngữ khó dịch và những khái niệm rất xa lạ, ngay cả khi quý vị có thể tìm thấy...

重劃選區之戰升溫 休士頓維權人士力爭公平

順時針左上角開始為:「墨裔法律辯護與教育基金會」訴訟副會長佩拉雷斯(Nina Perales)、大休士頓美華協會律師陳綺玲(Debbie Chen)、「純粹正義」共同創辦人暨組織總監伊凡斯(Roshawn Evans)、雷克伍德居民崔斯登(Myrtala Tristan)、Mi Familia Vota馬丁尼茲(Casandra Martinez)、「德州民權計劃」重劃選區宣傳研究員里維拉(Miguel Rivera)。 德州哈利斯縣(Harris County)維權人士發起一項行動,要求每十年一次的重劃選區過程必須對少數族裔和低收入社區更公平。 Jenny Manrique報導 每次提到可怕的哈維颶風(Hurricane Harvey),崔斯登(Myrtala Tristan)都不得不重溫當時的情景:無情的大雨將她居住的社區變成河流,她的住家變成一個漂浮著傢俱的博物館。 在休士頓郊區雷克伍德(Lakewood)住了近40年的崔斯登6月30日在一場重劃選區簡報會上回憶:「當局從來沒有通知我們必須撤離,也沒有告訴我們這場災害的嚴重性。我和丈夫住在一起,在五個小時內,我不斷撥打311(急難中心),但沒有人接電話。我們就這麼醒著過了一整晚。」 隔天上午,崔斯登用ziploc塑膠袋裝著她的駕照和一些錢就離開住家。外頭有一艘船正在把民眾從臭水中救起,兒童和年長者是他們優先營救的對象。 崔斯登說:「我們一整天都在髒水中航行,他們沒有給我們任何飲水或食物。我覺得這十分不公平,政府應該用不同的方式幫助我們。三年過去,我們還在申請援助,但是我們什麼都沒有得到。」 崔斯登後來加入了東北行動合作社(Northeast Action Collective),一個由維權人士和居民針對他們的社區缺乏排水和防洪公共投資所組成的團體。「現在是我們的聲音應該被聽見的時候。」 崔斯登目前專注在一項全縣的維權行動上,這項行動鼓勵少數族裔和低收入社區參與重劃選區工作。重劃選區是一項重新劃分政治範圍的過程,用來決定選民可以投票給誰。 墨裔法律辯護與教育基金會(Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund,簡稱MALDEF)訴訟副會長佩拉雷斯(Nina Perales)解釋:「重劃選區是在地圖上畫線標示出誰可以投票選出特定的民選官員。創造選民團體是非常政治化的行動,所以參與非常重要。」 每隔十年,社區會根據人口普查收集到的數據被重新組合成新選區,選區界線將由市議會、學區信託董事會、縣長、州議會畫出。 像哈利斯縣衛星城巴沙迪那(Pasadena)這些地區,選區界線成功將西語裔人口和白人人口隔離開來,白人住在能夠獲得較多服務的南區,西語裔則住在向來獲得較少服務的北區,造成西語裔社區較容易發生洪水和自然災害。 在德州眾議會在北區畫出進一步分散西語裔選民的界線後,MALDEF對此提出訴訟並獲得勝訴,然後將這些地區重新組合為第144號選區。 佩拉雷斯說:「這個選區原來的眾議會代表是一名保守派白人,在他尋求連任失敗後,由一名進步派西語裔女性取代。只要圍繞著我們社區的線是以公平的方式被畫出,我們的政治參與力就會變強。」 迷失在翻譯中 對德州民權計劃(Texas Civil Rights Project,簡稱TCRP)重劃選區宣傳研究員里維拉(Miguel...

선거구 재획정의 시간이 왔다- 공정한 선거구 획정을 위해 싸우는 휴스턴 활동가들

Clockwise from top left: Nina Perales, Vice President of Litigation, Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund; Debbie Chen, Attorney, OCA-Greater Houston; Roshawn Evans,...

COVID-19 : Medicos advierten que las máscaras llegaron para quedarse

From left to right: Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Senior Fellow, Federation of American Scientists; Dr. Jose Perez, Chief Medical Officer, South Central Family Health Center;...

COVID-19: Doctors agree that masks are here to stay

From left to right: Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Senior Fellow, Federation of American Scientists; Dr. Jose Perez, Chief Medical Officer, South Central Family Health Center;...

Se enciende batalla por redistribución de distritos – Activistas en Houston luchan por mapas más justos

Clockwise from top left: Nina Perales, Vice President of Litigation, Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund; Debbie Chen, Attorney, OCA-Greater Houston; Roshawn Evans,...

Redistricting battle heats up – Houston activists fight for fairer maps

Clockwise from top left: Nina Perales, Vice President of Litigation, Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund; Debbie Chen, Attorney, OCA-Greater Houston; Roshawn Evans,...

Así ven los republicanos el futuro de su partido y de la diversidad en Estados Unidos

From left to right: Young Kim, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, California’s 39th District; Suzette Martinez Valladares, Member of the California State...

Three California Republicans Share Views on Future of GOP

From left to right: Young Kim, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, California’s 39th District; Suzette Martinez Valladares, Member of the California State...

지구온난화 정책 수립에 소외계층의 의견 반영해야

환경 보호국(EPA)의 보고서는 미국인들의 삶이 더 어려워질 것이라고 예측합니다. 이에 대해 전문가들은 과학적 대책뿐만 아니라 평등과 균형에 기반한 정책적 대책이 필요하다는 데 의견을 같이했다.



Para combatir el calentamiento global se requiere un enfoque de equidad

Las comunidades étnicas son las más afectadas por los desastres naturales, las olas de calor y la falta de espacios verdes.

Fighting Global Warming Requires an Equity Approach

Experts warn that the best way to address climate change is not only from scientific models but with policies focused on equity.

Amplia coalición de estadounidenses pelea contra las leyes de supresión del voto

From left to right: Mimi Marziani, President, Texas Civil Rights Project; Alex Gulotta, Arizona State Director, All Voting is Local; Elizabeth Hira, Spitzer Fellow...

Broad coalition of Americans fights against voter suppression laws

From left to right: Mimi Marziani, President, Texas Civil Rights Project; Alex Gulotta, Arizona State Director, All Voting is Local; Elizabeth Hira, Spitzer Fellow...

Premios en California celebran lo mejor del periodismo étnico en la cobertura del épico 2020

El gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, inauguró los Premios de Medios Étnicos de California el jueves 3 de junio con un homenaje especial al sector por cubrir las noticias épicas de 2020.

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