Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.

Peter White

Tennessee Republicans Unmoved by Growing Calls for Gun Reform

A mass shooting at a Christian elementary school in March killed six. Since then, 188 adults and 24 children have died from guns in Tennessee.

Tránh cuộc ‘tháo gỡ’ lớn về bảo hiểm thời COVID – 15 triệu người có nguy cơ mất Medicaid

Bắt đầu từ tháng 4, hàng triệu gia đình có thể thấy bảo hiểm y tế của mình biến mất khi chính phủ dẹp dần các chính sách trong thời kỳ đại dịch.

Millions to Lose Coverage During the ‘Unwinding’

Starting in April millions of families could see their health coverage disappear as the government unwinds pandemic-era policies.

Economic Crash or Soft Landing Ahead?

The child tax credit and extended unemployment insurance program are long gone and experts don’t expect new family-friendly legislation this year.

Back to the Future with Covid-19

New research shows people who became infected and also got vaccinated have a 40% reduction in their infectiousness.

California at Forefront of Protecting Older Adults from Pandemic

The CDC's COVID mortality figures show people over 50 are dying from COVID 25 times more often than young adults 18-29.

A ‘National Poisoning’ — Synthetic Drugs Flooding the U.S.-Mexico Border

Synthetic drugs like meth and fentanyl are flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, killing tens of thousands while fueling a growing humanitarian catastrophe.

El atractivo de la Copa del Mundo perdura a pesar de las divisiones globales y los escándalos políticos

Cuatro expertos opinan sobre el alcance global del fútbol y qué equipo es más probable que se lleve la Copa en Qatar.

국제사회 분열, 정치적 스캔들 불구하고, 월드컵은 여전히 매력적

4명의 전문가가 축구의 세계적인 영향력, 축구가 "people's sport"로 남아 있는 이유, 어떤 팀이 우승을 노리는지 논의합니다.

Global Divisions, Political Scandals Can’t Diminish World Cup’s Enduring Appeal

Four experts weigh in on soccer's global reach, why it remains the "people's sport," and which team will most likely take the Cup in Qatar.

Alarming Surge of Pediatric RSV

Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, a common flu-like symptoms, is infecting very young children in large numbers

Voters of Color and Women Saved the Democrats from Disaster

Ethnic Media Services debriefed six experts on their reactions to the election results and what should be done to prepare for the 2024 election.

Hundreds Given Bad Ballots in Tennessee

Democratic lawmakers in the state blame the snafu on newly-drawn congressional maps and say it is part of a GOP strategy to suppress votes.

Funcionarios electorales se preparan para problemas en las urnas

Los republicanos siguen dudando de la integridad de las elecciones, a pesar de que los expertos afirman que existen salvaguardias rigurosas para garantizar unas elecciones seguras.

Election Officials Bracing for Trouble at the Polls

Doubts about election integrity among Republicans continue even as experts say rigorous and transparent safeguards are in place to ensure a secure election.

Tòa án Tối cao có thể hủy bỏ luật Affirmative Action, tức đạo luật nâng đỡ những thành phần thiệt thòi trong xã hội...

Bất chấp những người ủng hộ đa số bảo thủ của Affirmative Action nói rằng lịch sử, tiền lệ và Hiến pháp đứng về phía họ.

La violencia doméstica es ‘curable y evitable’

Y aunque se han producido avances alentadores, los defensores dicen que hay que hacer mucho más para prevenir los abusos.

가정폭력은 ‘막을수 있고, 치료할수 있다’

고무적인 진전이 있었지만 옹호자들은 학대를 방지하기 위해 훨씬 더 많은 일을 해야 한다고 말합니다.



Domestic Violence is ‘Healable and Preventable’

And while there has been encouraging progress, advocates say much more needs to be done to prevent abuse.

Imaging a Multi-Racial City After a Political Earthquake

Black, Latino and Indigenous writers and community activists share their views on the scandal in Los Angeles and how the city can move beyond the impasse.

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