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Pilar Marrero

Pilar Marrero is a journalist and author with long experience in covering social and political issues of the Latino community in the United States. She is one of the foremost experts on immigration policy and politics in the US media world and has covered the issue extensively during her years as a reporter. Marrero is the author of the books “Killing the American Dream” and “El Despertar del Sueño Americano.” In October 2018, she was selected by her peers at CCNMA (Latino Journalists of California), as Latina Journalist of the Year.

In Los Angeles, Shade Most Often Goes to the Privileged

After the hottest summer on record, officials in Los Angeles vow again to make the city’s tree cover more equitable.

LA시에서는 부자들이 나무 그늘을 더 많이 즐긴다

정부 관계자들은 기록적으로 더운 여름 이래, 도심내 나무 그늘 분포를 더 공평하게 만들겠다고 다시한번 다짐한다.



En Los Ángeles, la sombra es a menudo para los privilegiados

Después del verano más caluroso de la historia, las autoridades prometen de nuevo hacer que la cubierta arbórea sea más equitativa.

La producción económica de los latinos en EE.UU impulsa al país: nuevo informe

El último informe sobre el PIB de los latinos en Estados Unidos da un vuelco a la narrativa actual sobre la contribución económica de los latinos.

US Latino Economic Output Propels the Country Forward: New Report

If U.S. Latinos were an independent country, they would be the fifth largest economy in the world, according to findings from the latest US Latino GDP Report.



민권운동 지도자들, 어퍼머티브 액션 폐지 비판 나서

많은 사람들이 고등 교육의 다양성을 보호하기 위해 계속 싸울 것을 다짐하며, 정책 입안자와 교육자들에게 논란이 되고 있는 판결을 지나치게 해석하지 말 것을 경고합니다.

Líderes de los derechos civiles deploran el fallo que destruye la acción afirmativa

Muchos se comprometen a seguir luchando para proteger la diversidad en la enseñanza superior y advierten a los responsables políticos y a los educadores de que no se extralimiten en la interpretación de la controvertida sentencia.

‘Race is Still Relevant’ — Advocates Slam SCOTUS Ruling on Affirmative Action

Many are vowing to continue the fight for diversity in higher education and warn policy makers not to overreach in interpreting the controversial ruling.

No más realismo mágico: Narrativa Latinoamericana usa la Imaginación y la Fantasía para explicar su mundo

En toda América Latina, los escritores que antes recurrían al realismo mágico para plasmar las realidades de la región recurren cada vez más a la ciencia ficción y la fantasía.

Don’t Call It Magical Realism: Latin American Writers Use Imagination and Fantasy to Explain the World Around Them

Across Latin America, writers who once turned to magical realism to capture the realities of the region are increasingly turning to science fiction and fantasy.

Todo es personal en la primera novela de periodista salvadoreña-americana Yurina Melara

Una nueva novela de la veterana periodista Yurina Melara explora temas de violencia y corrupción a través de los ojos de un héroe improbable en El Salvador.

New Novel Explores an Unlikely Key to El Salvador’s Redemption

A new novel by veteran journalist Yurina Melara explores themes of violence and corruption in El Salvador through the eyes of an unlikely hero.

When Marriage Becomes an ‘Act of Resistance’

Margo Long's marriage to an African American man in 1965 became the foundation of a family with Jewish-Muslim-Latino-European and African-American roots.

Latinos, enfermos y sin hogar: un programa del condado de LA ayuda a los más vulnerables

La población de sin techo de Los Ángeles está experimentando un aumento del número de latinos que viven en la calle, una tendencia alimentada por la pandemia del COVID-19 y las crecientes tasas de consumo de drogas y adicción.

Ill, Latino and Homeless: How an LA County Program Helps the Most Vulnerable

LA's homeless population is seeing a rise in the number of Latinos living on the street, a trend fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic and rising rates of drug use and addiction.

Their Cultures are Different, Their Values are Not

She is from Puerto Rico, he is from Taiwan. Despite their vast cultural differences, Nancy and Michael have forged a lasting and loving relationship.

¿Es el indulto presidencial a los Dreamers la única forma de protegerlos?

Crece la desesperación entre los grupos de defensa de los derechos de los inmigrantes ante la continua parálisis política y el endurecimiento de las normas bajo la administración Biden.

Is a Pardon for Dreamers the Only Way to Protect Them?

There is growing desperation among immigrant rights groups amid continued policy paralysis and a tightening of rules under the Biden administration.

Las grabaciones racistas fueron un “terremoto político” para Los Ángeles

La política "post grabaciones racistas" es un momento tenso para las comunidades de color e indígenas, pero también una oportunidad para el cambio.

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