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Pilar Marrero

Pilar Marrero is a journalist and author with long experience in covering social and political issues of the Latino community in the United States. She is one of the foremost experts on immigration policy and politics in the US media world and has covered the issue extensively during her years as a reporter. Marrero is the author of the books “Killing the American Dream” and “El Despertar del Sueño Americano.” In October 2018, she was selected by her peers at CCNMA (Latino Journalists of California), as Latina Journalist of the Year.

In Los Angeles, Shade Most Often Goes to the Privileged

After the hottest summer on record, officials in Los Angeles vow again to make the city’s tree cover more equitable.

Born an Activist: A Venezuelan Student Protester Turns into an Advocate for Latinos in the United States

Cecilia González Herrera's earliest memories are of the successive closure of independent television channels and newspapers in her country, Venezuela.

Aumento lento pero constante de las solicitudes de desalojo: aún no hay un “tsunami”

Desde que terminó la moratoria federal sobre los desalojos, a finales de agosto 2021, las solicitudes de desalojo por parte de los propietarios de viviendas han aumentado en todo el país.

Slow but Steady Rise in Eviction Filings – No “Tsunami” Yet

The Eviction Lab at Princeton University has released new numbers regarding eviction filing trends after the CDC moratorium expiration.

Campañas de activistas contra el revocatorio se centran en aumentar la participación de los latinos

Pilar Marrero, Ethnic Media Services A pocos días de decidir la posible destitución del gobernador de California, se han intensificado las campañas activistas para la...

“Latinos are late deciders” – Anti-recall activist campaigns focus on increasing Latino turnout before next Tuesday

Also available in Spanish. By Pilar Marrero, Ethnic Media Services With just a few days left of actual voting on the September 14th California Governor´s recall...

Angelica Salas, Chirla Action Fund: “La propuesta de destitución del gobernador de California es un ataque a los inmigrantes”

Salas ha concluido que "este intento de juicio político no es contra el gobernador sino contra la comunidad inmigrante a través del gobernador".

Angelica Salas, Chirla Action Fund: “California Governor’s Recall is an Attack on Immigrants”

Salas believes that “this recall attempt is not against the governor but against the immigrant community through the governor.” 

스페인어로 “개리맨더링”을 뭐라고 말할까?

필라 마레로 때론 너무 낯선 개념이라서 번역하기 힘든 개념이나 영어 단어가 있다. 비영리단체 텍사스 민권 프로젝트 (Texas Civil Rights Project)의 미구엘 리베라의 사례가 좋은 예이다. 어느날...


Pilar Marrero報導/Ethnic Media Services 有些術語很難翻譯,有些概念您毫無頭緒,即使在另一種語言中可以找到相應的詞彙表達,也無法讓人了解。如果實在沒有辦法,您可以請教「德州民權計畫」(Texas Civil Rights Project)的里維拉(Miguel Rivera)。 有一次,里維拉嘗試向父母解釋他的職業,他的正式頭銜是「選區重劃專家」。這個頭銜本身很難翻譯。一般人究竟對它有多少了解?許多人根本不知如何用英語、西班牙語或其他語言解釋它。 里維拉說:「當我和我的父母談到選區重劃時,我才意識到,他們與這個議題脫節的程度有嚴重。我們住在德州,如果我們要推動西語裔社區參與這項與他們的福祉有切身關係的議題,我們就必須在如何解釋這些術語上獲得共識。」 事實上,許多人甚至不知道這個英語詞彙的含義。 它到底是什麼? 在每十年一次的人口普查結束後,包括聯邦、州和地方所有層級的政府,會在所謂的「選區重劃」(redistricting)過程中,為每個必須選出代表的司法管轄區重新劃定政治界線。無論您住在何處,都會成為某個選區的一部分,這將決定您可以投票給哪些候選人來代表您,例如國會議員、州立法議員、縣議員、市議員、學區委員等。 如果您所在的選區住有其他和您有共通利益的人,那麼,您的問題就可能獲得解決。反之,它們就無法被解決。 聽起很簡單,但這是一個長達十年、用來定義哪些社區可以或無法獲得政府重視的過程。它是一個和選舉投票一樣重要的過程,但鮮少為人所了解。和選舉一樣,它需要民眾的參與,才能為弱勢群體保有未來十年的資源和政治聲音。 專家認為最重要的兩個術語是:「選區重劃」(Redistricting)和「傑利蠑螈」(Gerrymandering)。 對西班牙語媒體記者和像里維拉這樣的專家和維權人士來說,這兩個術語經常讓他們感到頭痛。這些人知道,這些概念對德州和美國其他地區西語裔社區的政治權力和福祉有多麼重要。 如何將這兩個字翻譯為其他語言,好讓美國其他社區民眾能夠了解? 里維拉表示,他面對的第一個挑戰是翻譯「選區重劃」的基本概念。西班牙語的選區重劃是「redistribución」,但這對解釋這項議題的幫助並不大。 里維拉說:「為了有效向西語裔社區解釋為何他們必須參與選區重劃的過程,我們必須在如何使用這些術語上取得共識。」 德州「全民聯盟」(La Union del Pueblo Entero,簡稱LUPE)一直使用「選區重設」(re-design)一詞,聽起來似乎比「選區重劃」易懂些。 再來是更讓人困惑的「傑利蠑螈」。 有些人想透過將發音改為「jerrymanderin」把它「西語化」。「傑利蠑螈」是指操縱選舉界線來包含或排除一個選區內的某些群體,或分開某些有共通利益、相同族裔的社區,以防止他們獲得可選出代表的力量。 這便是為何有些選區的形狀會像蠑螈一樣奇怪的原因,例如加州聖塔莫尼卡(Santa Monica),它位於較貧窮的洛杉磯縣南部,但這一區都是由同一位議員代表的富裕社區所組成。 里維拉說,用來解釋這一概念的「傑利蠑螈」只存在於英語中,在其他語言中並不存在。 里維拉說:「我們最後同意,『操縱選區』(manipulation of districts)是最佳翻譯,儘管我認為它無法反映出這種做法多麼有害。基本上,他們『傑利蠑螈』選區界線來確保某些政治人物或政黨可保有他們的席次,而且,失去席次的通常是少數族裔社區的代表。」 里維拉補充,這個問題不只存在於西班牙語中,也存在於亞洲語言中。他說:「我們和華裔社區組織合作,發現這些術語和概念也很難用中文翻譯出來。」 里維拉表示,這項工作有待完成。他稱這項工作為「語言公義」(language justice)。 Pilar Marrero is a journalist and author with long...

¿Cómo se dice “gerrymandering” en español?

By Pilar Marrero Hay palabras que son muy difíciles de traducir y conceptos que son foráneos, aunque uno encuentre una palabra en otro idioma para...

How do you say “gerrymandering” in Spanish?

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean. By Pilar Marrero There are terms that are hard to translate and concepts that are foreign, even if...

The “Trump Religion” May Be Here to Stay

From left to right: Meili Criezis, Global Network on Extremism and Technology Associate Fellow; Colin P. Clarke, Senior Research Fellow, The Soufan Center; Ricardo...

Activistas de California tras castigos a siete congresistas que votaron por “privar de derechos a las comunidades de color”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (above) is one of seven California Republican Congressmen that are facing calls for expulsion due to their objection to...

California activists target seven congressmen who sought to “disenfranchise communities of color”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (above) is one of seven California Republican Congressmen that are facing calls for expulsion due to their objection to...

Editor en Jefe Gabriel Lerner se retira de La Opinión

Después de siete años dirigiendo el histórico periódico en español de Los Ángeles La Opinión, Gabriel Lerner se retira del medio que lideró a...

Editor-in-chief Gabriel Lerner Retires from La Opinion

Having steered the outlet through a series of crises, Lerner is stepping down, keepin intact its mission to serve the Latino community though community journalism.

Second Trump Term May End Birthright Citizenship

From left to right: Ali Noorani, President & Chief Executive Officer of the National Immigration Forum; Alex Nowrasteh, Immigration Policy Analyst at the Cato...


From left to right: Cameron Hickey, Program Director, Algorithmic Transparency at National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC); Jacquelyn Mason, Senior Investigative Researcher at First Draft;...

가장 위험한 “가짜뉴스”는 반드시 100% 거짓말일 필요가 없다

From left to right: Cameron Hickey, Program Director, Algorithmic Transparency at National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC); Jacquelyn Mason, Senior Investigative Researcher at First Draft;...

The Most Problematic “Fake News” are Not Complete Falsehoods

Disinformation, misinformation and hate speech, among other types of content, can lead to vote suppression and undermine democratic institutions. Experts offer tips on how to identify the

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