Friday, February 7, 2025

Selen Ozturk

With Looming Federal Cuts, Senior Health Care Needs a Shake-Up, CA Leaders Say

For California’s older adults, “mental health is the big gap we’ve never been able to fill,” said Anni Chung, president and CEO of Self-Help for the Elderly.

With Escalating Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric, California Farmworkers Fear the Future

As the ’24 elections get into full swing, anti-immigrant rhetoric is growing increasingly ugly, with real world consequences for migrant communities.

Making Sense of the Conventions and the 2024 Elections

With presidential elections coming in the shadow of political violence and division, how will the national conventions and electoral process affect voters?

With LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes Rising, How is California Responding?

The number of anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes in California nearly doubled last year despite an overall decrease in hate crimes statewide, leaving many feeling unsafe in their communities.

How is AI Threatening Ethnic Voters?

As AI grows more prevalent, ethnic voters face an election landscape where the difference between real and artificial news is ever-harder to gauge.

How Medi-Cal is Helping California’s Growing Older and Disabled Adults

For the over six million Californians aged 65 and over, and the over seven and a half million with a disability, getting the care they need has not always been easy.

As Summer Heats Up, How Can Californians Stay Safe?

As summer gets hotter, Californians are at higher risk of wildfires, extreme heat, power outages and water disasters.

One Year After Affirmative Action is Overturned, What’s Next for Higher Ed?

The June 2023 decision, which prohibits public and private institutions from including race in considering applicants to admit, shook up the world of higher education.

How Medi-Cal is Closing Health Access Gaps

Although California reached its lowest uninsured rate in 2022, health care access remains a challenge for many low-income people and people of color.



Barreras en la atención del Alzheimer en las zonas rurales de California

Aunque el número de californianos que viven con Alzheimer casi se duplicará hasta alcanzar los 1.1 millones durante los próximos veinte años, aquellas personas que viven en zonas rurales y remotas se enfrentan a grandes dificultades para tener acceso a la atención sanitaria.

How Would Trump’s Immigration Plan Change the U.S.?

In his first presidential term, Donald Trump obstructed asylum, imposed a “Muslim Ban,” undermined Temporary Protected Status, terminated DACA and separated families at the border. This time, his immigration plans are even more ambitious.

캘리포니아 시골 지역 알츠하이머 치료의 난관

알츠하이머가 캘리포니아 주민 사망 원인 중 두 번째로 높은 비중을 차지하게 되면서, 치료 접근성 문제가 더욱 심각해지고 있다.

Barriers to Alzheimer’s Care for Rural Californians

With Alzheimer’s now the second-leading cause of death for people in California, barriers to treatment are more harmful than ever.

How Climate Change is Worsening the Home Affordability Crisis

As climate change worsens, so does the home affordability crisis as insurers raise rates, withdraw coverage and underpay damages.

Rising Scams Target Elderly Bay Area Chinese

Scams targeting adults aged 60 and older are rising, with devastating consequences for monolingual Chinese in the Bay Area.



Medi-Cal Maternal Care Expanded to Counter Health Disparities

To close racial and ethnic birthing outcome disparities, Medi-Cal is expanding access to maternal health services — most notably, doula care.

아태계 커뮤니티, 인종차별의 상처를 치유하기 위해 서로 돕기 나섰다

팬데믹 이후 반아시안 혐오가 급증하는 가운데, 새로운 시범 프로그램이 아시아계 미국인 및 태평양 섬 주민(AAPI) 커뮤니티의 상처를 치유하는 데 도움을 주고 있다.

Helping AAPI Communities Heal from the Pain of Racism

Against historic surges in anti-Asian hate since the pandemic, a new pilot program is helping AAPI communities heal from hate crimes.

Medi-Cal Expands Access to Mental Health, Substance Use Treatment

California is on the national front lines of making mental health and substance use disorder care easier to access for patients of Medi-Cal.

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