Friday, January 24, 2025

Selen Ozturk

Ethnic Minorities Face Rising Hate Crimes in Rural California

Hate crimes are mounting in rural California, where many ethnic minorities are too distrustful of the government to report them.

How AAPI Caregivers Empower Their Communities

Being a caregiver isn’t limited to aiding individuals but also giving voice to the communities in which they live, AAPI activists and artists shared at an Oct. 20 EMS briefing.

Is the Israel-Palestine War Deepening U.S. Inter-Ethnic Hate?

As the bloody war between Israel and Palestine escalates, so does antisemitic and Islamophobic U.S. hate.

Las ferias de salud de fin de semana son clave para llegar a las comunidades rurales de California

Informar a los habitantes de las zonas rurales de California sobre la asistencia sanitaria a la que tienen derecho requiere una comunicación más táctil que tecnológica.

California Governor Signs 56 Bills Fast-Tracking Affordable Housing

Support for these bills from historically opposed environmental and labor groups suggests the beginning of an unprecedentedly pro-housing majority bloc in California politics.

Weekend Health Fairs Key to Reaching California’s Rural Communities

Informing rural Californians about health care they qualify for requires communication more high-touch than high-tech.

Why Ageism Prevails and How to Stop It

In an EMS briefing, aging experts discussed how and why ageism prevails in the way we view older adults, and how to overcome it.

How U.S. Chief Heat Officers are Beating the Heat

As extreme heat worsens nationwide, the country’s three Chief Heat Officers spoke about how the threat to their cities is changing their response.

¿Cómo está venciendo California el calor extremo?

Organizaciones estatales y comunitarias compartieron cómo se estaban adaptando al calor extremo en la práctica.

How is California Beating the Heat?

At a Sept. 26 EMS briefing, state and community organizations shared how they were adapting to extreme heat on the community level.

What Payment Methods are Telltale Signs of Scams?

Payment methods that scammers insist you use — like gift cards, cryptocurrency and wire transfer — are telltale signs of scams, says the FTC.

Cómo nos cambia el cambio climático

A medida que el cambio climático altera las temperaturas globales y los patrones meteorológicos, también afecta a nuestras vidas social, política y espiritualmente.

How Climate Change Changes Us

As climate change alters temperatures and weather patterns worldwide, it also alters our lives socially, politically and spiritually.

In Publishing, Diversity Depends Not Only on Who’s Portrayed But How

To change unequal representation for people of color is to change not only how many are portrayed, but also how they’re portrayed.

As Losses Soar, New Phishing Scams Use Text, AI

Phishing, where scammers use texts and AI to steal passwords, accounts and Social Security numbers, is evolving and intensifying, says the FTC.

Funcionarios de salud detallan iniciativas para proteger acceso a servicios de salud

Con 15,5 millones de afiliados a Medi-Cal pendientes de renovación, las autoridades sanitarias y las organizaciones de base comunitaria están trabajando para garantizar que los californianos mantengan una cobertura continua.

보건관계자와 CBO, 캘리포니아 주민 1550만명의 보험 커버리지를 지키기 위한 노력 다짐

1,550만 명의 Medi-Cal 회원이 보장을 갱신함에 따라 보건 공무원과 지역사회 단체는 캘리포니아 주민들이 지속적으로 보장을 유지할 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다.


随着 1550 万加州医疗保险 (Medi-Cal)险成员的续保,卫生官员和社区组织正在努力确保加州人保持持续的保险。

Back-to-Schoolers Face Teacher Shortages, Polarization and Learning Gaps

More teachers are leaving the profession as fewer people seek to enter it, while fights over curricula and pandemic-era learning loss loom in classrooms nationwide.

How ChimeTV Breaks AAPI Representation Barriers

ChimeTV is breaking barriers to AAPI representation in entertainment by playing a different game than the platform’s streaming competition.

Health Officials, CBOs Detail Efforts to Protect Health Care for 15.5 Million Californians

With 15.5 million Medi-Cal members up for renewal, health officials and CBOs are working to ensure Californians maintain continuous coverage.

News Briefings

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