Friday, February 7, 2025

Rong Xiaoqing

Coming Taiwan Elections Will Test Efforts to Ease US-China Ties

Polls show the candidate least friendly to Beijing ahead as voters prepare to select Taiwan's next leader later this month.

華裔學生持刀襲擊 6 個月後,印第安納州的亞裔美國人擔心成為攻擊目標


AAPIs in Indiana Fear Being Targets 6 Months After Knife Attack on Chinese American Student

Asian Americans in Indiana say an attack on a Chinese student in Bloomington earlier this year created a stronger sense of solidarity within the community.

China’s Science Fiction Writers Navigate the Widening US-China Divide

As US-China tensions rise, science fiction authors in China looking to break into the international market are being forced to navigate a widening breach.

Ohio Train Derailment Becomes Focus of Chinese Misinformation

The flood of histrionic messaging on Chinese social media around events in the US has left many Chinese Americans feeling frustrated and confused.

Fears of a Return to Chinese Exclusion Act as US-China Tensions Rise

Chinese living in the US are watching the deterioration of US-China relations with a mix of fear and, for some, cautious optimism.

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