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新冠二價疫苗認受性低 專家呼籲華人勿被誤導

Sing Tao Daily | Health care providers say declining vaccination rates pose a potential health risk as new variants of the coronavirus continue to spread.


Dr. Tung Nguyen, UCSF, authored a research brief by the Asian American Research Center for Health detailing the disproportionate high mortality rate for Asian...

外匯、農夫市場、人口遷徙停滯崩潰 疫情造成發展中世界退倒

帕帕迪米奇歐認為新冠肺炎危機和1930年代經濟大蕭條(Great Depression)同等嚴重,並形容它為「經濟深淵」(economic abyss)。

各州重開 將使必要性商業勞工與其子女陷入危險

Melva Thompson-Robinson (above), Director of the Center for Health Disparities Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, speaks on the impact of the...


Dr. Turner-Lloveras (above) is an assistant Professor of Medicine at Harbor-UCLA/David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles at Harbor-UCLA. Sunita...

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