Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.



Weathering a Nationwide Tripledemic

A surging “tripledemic” of COVID-19, flu and RSV threatens to overburden an already burdened U.S. healthcare system.

Vaccine Disinformation Preys on Black Community’s Well-Earned Distrust

Richmond Pulse | Low levels of trust in the medical system among African Americans stemming from a history of systemic racism has allowed misinformation about the pandemic to flourish.

Covid Myths Among Latinos in California Begin to Recede

La Opinion | Medical experts in California say they are seeing signs that misinformation among Latinos about Covid 19 is beginning to recede.

My Parents Paid the Ultimate Price for Disinformation

Chico Sol | Misinformation peddlers have been spreading lies for decades – and for journalist Natalie Hanson, the cost is personal.

Are We Done With Masks? Three Experts Review the Latest Findings

A new study finds masks do little to prevent the spread of viruses like the flu and Covid, and that hand washing and vaccines offer more protection.

Visual Disinformation Can Be Especially Persuasive, Expert Warns

Richmond Pulse | Compared to written content alone, the addition of visual content enhances emotional arousal and, in some cases, persuasive impact.

Children Don’t Make Decisions: A Community Discussion About Vaccination

Hmong Daily News | Children and adults have the same issues when they get COVID, and just vaccinating the adults in a household is not nearly enough.

Back to the Future with Covid-19

New research shows people who became infected and also got vaccinated have a 40% reduction in their infectiousness.

Farmworkers Still Exposed to Highest Infection Rates — Experts Warn Against Normalizing COVID

Although recognized as essential workers, their work has exposed and continues to expose them to the most severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

California at Forefront of Protecting Older Adults from Pandemic

The CDC's COVID mortality figures show people over 50 are dying from COVID 25 times more often than young adults 18-29.

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