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HomeCovid Myth Busters 2Vaccinating Children is Vital

Vaccinating Children is Vital

Vaccinating children

By Lisa Fitch | Our Weekly

It’s been two-and-a-half years and COVID-19 is still around. According to Black Women Rally for Action, 231 Blacks—12 years and older, were vaccinated between Sept. 2 and Sept. 8 in Los Angeles County, compared to 490  the week before. (down by 259 vaccinations).

Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) loosened many of its recommendations for battling the coronavirus. This shift puts more of the onus on individuals, rather than on schools, businesses and other institutions, to limit viral spread.

Without a national school mandate, though, fewer than 50% of youth 6 months to 11 years old have had their shot. Even though COVID-19 vaccines are available for youngsters, there is definite vaccination hesitation by some parents.

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