Friday, February 21, 2025

Julian Do

Combating Hate With Love, Hopes and Dreams

How does a potato help heal the hate?

Canada’s Approach to Saving the News Industry

Amid sweeping layoffs in newsrooms across the US, in Canada the government has implemented measures aimed at shoring up the struggling journalism sector.

‘Never Again’ Say Speakers at Monterey Park Memorial

Community leaders came together Jan. 19 to memorialize the worst mass shooting in Los Angeles County history.

Trump’s Anti-China Rhetoric Has Emboldened Racism: Q/A with California State Senator Dave Min

In an interview with Ethnic Media Services, California state Senator Dave Min says fighting anti-Asian hate is his top priority.

In the Eye of Not One, But Two Hurricanes

For people of the Pacific Islands, rising US-China tensions are overshadowed by the very real and existential risks associated with climate change.

Ukrainians in US Fatigued, Inspired as War Enters Second Year

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been an unmitigated tragedy, but the editor of the world’s oldest Ukrainian language newspaper based in New Jersey sees a bright future for the nation.

‘Everyone is Angry’ – Ohio Attack Shatters Vietnamese Family, Community

The attack outside a Toledo bar left Phong Tran fighting for his life and the family and community around him deeply angered, says Tran's sister.

For Caribbean Diaspora, Elizabeth’s Passing Raises the Specter of the UK’s Colonial Past

Carib Press publisher and editor Lyndon Johnson says Elizabeth's passing is a reminder of unresolved issues stemming from the colonial past.

Arab Americans Gain Greater Visibility With Designation of Little Arabia

The designation is the culmination of more than two decades of lobbying to gain recognition for the growing Arab American community in Orange County.

Is It Libelous To Call Someone A Racist?

Can you call the driver a racist if his or her car is adorned with many Nazi supremacist bumper stickers?

Q&A: ‘For Ukraine, From Overseas Vietnamese with Love’

Shortly after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the largest Vietnamese broadcaster outside Vietnam launched a campaign to aid refugees from the war.

World’s Oldest Ukrainian Language Newspaper is in New Jersey

Svoboda (Liberty) is the world’s oldest Ukrainian language newspaper published without interruption since its founding in 1893 in New Jersey.

Voice for the Sri Lankan Diaspora: Journalist and Activist Hassina Leelarathna Dies

A respected voice in the community, Hassina was known for promoting cross-ethnic dialogue and incubating a new generation of Sri Lankan-American journalists.

2020 인구 조사는 로스앤젤레스 카운티가 전염병을 극복하고 불평등을 해결하는데 도움될수 있다

저자 : 줄리언 도 로스앤젤레스 -- 로스앤젤레스 카운티는 이번에도 10년전과 같이 인구 집계에 다른곳보다 현저히 뒤쳐지고 있다. 카운티는 1 천만 명의 주민에게 필수적인 서비스와 자원을...

Thống Kê Dân Số 2020 Có Thể Giúp Quận Los Angeles Vượt Qua Dịch Bệnh và Giải Quyết Bất Bình Đẳng

Julian Do Los Angeles — Quận Los Angeles lại một lần nữa trong chiều hướng không đếm đủ dân cư quận trong thống kê dân...


Julian Do報導 【洛杉磯訊】 洛杉磯縣可能再次在人口普查中重蹈漏計居民的覆轍,失去可為其1000萬居民提供必要性服務的聯邦資金。和美國其他地區一樣,洛杉磯縣正受到疫情、經濟動盪和社會不平等的衝擊,這三重威脅可能需要數年的時間才有辦法解決。 洛杉磯縣長辦公室2020年人口普查小組首席分析師田島(Jason Tajima)表示,截至6月10日,洛杉磯縣的人口普查參與率為57.4%,低於加州的平均參與率62.1%,也低於全國的平均參與率61.4%。 洛杉磯縣議員巴傑(Kathryn Barger)表示,上一次人口普查的低參與率造成了一些可測量的影響。他說:「2010年人口普查嚴重漏計洛杉磯縣人口,導致本縣損失數百萬美元可用來支持許多必要性社會計劃的資金,包括興建學校、醫院和住房,直接影響民眾的福祉。」 巴傑補充,洛杉磯縣因為人口眾多且多元化,被認為是美國最難統計的一縣,洛杉磯縣無法再冒因為被漏計而失去未來十年資源的風險。 田島指出,根據加州目前獲得的聯邦資金來計算,聯邦提供約1700美元到2000美元的資金給每一位參與人口普查的民眾。每損失1美元,洛杉磯縣就愈難以繼續提供居民重要的服務,也愈難以對抗疫情。洛杉磯縣長濱井(Sachi Hamai)表示,該縣下一個會計年度預算已經短缺10億美元。 除了資助社會服務,人口普查還會影響政治代表權。在洛杉磯縣正在解決結構性和系統性的不平等問題之際,縣議員雷德利湯瑪斯(Mark Ridley-Thomas)相信,人們也在尋找可以爭取公平正義的方法,而2020年人口普查正提供了一個及時且實際的機會。 雷德利湯瑪斯說:「非裔、西語裔和亞太裔等少數族裔社區的人口,一直以來都被人口普查低估了。參與人口普查可以幫助公平重劃加州和聯邦立法者的政治選區,對糾正現今社會的結構性和系統性不公現象十分重要。」 洛杉磯縣43%尚未參與人口普查的居民,代表了該縣140萬到170萬個家庭,或400萬到600萬人。為了聯絡這些民眾,洛杉磯縣和全國性民權組織「加州進步計劃」(Advancement Project California)已經找出了這些需要進行更多針對性工作的人口群體和地區。 西語裔和非裔人口的普查參與率目前分別為52.1%和55.1%。亞裔人口的平均參與率為66.2%,高於加州平均參與率62.1%,其中華裔、越南裔、菲律賓裔和日裔社區的參與率介於64%到70%之間,但是泰裔、柬埔寨裔和韓裔社區的參與率僅介於47.4%到56.9%之間。 需要更多宣導的低參與率地區包括洛杉磯南區、南灣(South Bay)、洛杉磯都會區、洛杉磯東南區和長灘。 田島表示,這些地區參與率低是由許多因素造成。在參與率最低的地區,五分之二的家庭沒有寬頻網路服務,半數以上的家庭住在多單位大樓裡,其中四分之三是租客。此外,家庭人口較多、高中畢業教育程度者較少、英語能力有限者較多,也是這些地區參與率低的原因。 雷德利湯瑪斯表示,正因為身處於這些艱難的環境中,參與人口普查對這些住在弱勢社區的民眾來說顯得尤其重要,只有參與人口普查,他們才能享受到聯邦提供的資金,有助於解決社會不平等的問題。 對提高人口普查參與率十分重要的挨家挨戶宣導工作,因為新冠疫情被迫延後,縣長辦公室2020年人口普查小組經理尤里貝(Avianna Uribe)表示,隨著加州各項經濟活動逐漸重啟,何時可以開始進行安全的人口普查挨家挨戶宣導,將由美國人口普查局決定。 目前,民眾仍然可以透過網路、電話和郵件填寫人口普查問卷。

2020 Census Could Help Los Angeles County Overcome the Pandemic and Address Inequity

Also available in Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean. By Julian Do Los Angeles — Los Angeles County is once more on track to undercount its residents in...

Các Nhà Lãnh Đạo Mena Nói Rằng Không Có Dữ Liệu Thống Kê D N Số Chúng Ta Là Người Vô Hình Và Bị...

Từ nhiều thế hệ, hàng triệu người Mỹ gốc Trung Đông và Bắc Phi – MENA (Middle East and North Africa) đã mặc nhiên trở nên người vô hình vì Cục Thống Kê Dân Số từ chối lời yêu cầu có nhóm dân tộc riêng cho họ.

中東北非裔領袖:如果人口普查沒有我們的數據 我們就成了被剝奪公民權的社會隱形人

幾個世代以來,數以百萬計的中東與北非裔(Middle East and North Africa,簡稱MENA)居民基本上早已成為社會中的隱形人,因為人口普查局拒絕在問卷中列出其族裔類別。

MENA (중동과 북 아프리카 국가들) 리더들, 인구 조사 데이터가 없으면 우린 안보이거나 거부된다

대대로 중동과 북아프리카에 뿌리를두고있는 수백만의 미국인 - 줄임말로 MENA - 이들은 미국 인구 조사국이 이들의 인종을 밝힐수 있는 카테고리를 만들어 주지 않아 아직도 존재하지 않는 사람들로 살아가고 있다.

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