Amid sweeping layoffs in newsrooms across the US, in Canada the government has implemented measures aimed at shoring up the struggling journalism sector.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been an unmitigated tragedy, but the editor of the world’s oldest Ukrainian language newspaper based in New Jersey sees a bright future for the nation.
A respected voice in the community, Hassina was known for promoting cross-ethnic dialogue and incubating a new generation of Sri Lankan-American journalists.
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By Julian Do
Los Angeles — Los Angeles County is once more on track to undercount its residents in...
Từ nhiều thế hệ, hàng triệu người Mỹ gốc Trung Đông và Bắc Phi – MENA (Middle East and North Africa) đã mặc nhiên trở nên người vô hình vì Cục Thống Kê Dân Số từ chối lời yêu cầu có nhóm dân tộc riêng cho họ.