Saturday, March 8, 2025




LA시, 공원의 미래에 대해 주민들의 의견 수렴 나서

LA시는 시내 500개 공원 현황 및 공원 시스템 보수 계획 수립을 위해, 다국어 설문을 만들어 시내 다양한 주민들의 의견을 수렴할 예정이다.

Los Ángeles pedirá a sus residentes colaboración para planificar el futuro de los parques de la Ciudad

Los Ángeles está recurriendo a la diversidad de sus habitantes para evaluar el estado de más de 500 parques en toda la ciudad.

El desplazamiento por cambio climático está remodelando Miami

Mientras el área metropolitana más poblada de Florida se enfrenta al calor récord, tormentas y el aumento del nivel del mar, los más vulnerables se llevan la peor parte.

Information and Elections in the Digital Era

A massive open online course (MOOC) organized by the Knight Center for Journalism, (UNESCO) and the UN Development Program.

Covering Hate

Resources for ethnic media reporters covering hate crimes and hate incidents in California.

Confronting Health Misinformation

Reporting on health misinformation? Below are useful resources for journalists ranging from tips to research reports and how to find expert sources.

2022 Midterm Election Essentials for Ethnic Media Journalists

A primer on new federal election rules, new voting district maps and resources for tracking the confusing array of changes ahead of the Nov. elections.

Periodistas en el mundo son víctimas de la guerra contra la información

La guerra mundial contra la información ha atrapado a los periodistas. En todo el mundo, los reporteros están siendo asesinados, intimidados, acosados ​​y encarcelados....

Journalists Worldwide Are Victims of the War on Information

The global war on information has caught journalists in its crosshairs. All over the world, reporters are being killed, intimidated, harassed, and imprisoned. According...

¿Cómo abordar el aprendizaje inconcluso ahora que los niños han regresado a la escuela?

La pandemia de COVID ha profundizado las brechas educativas para los niños. Millones se han atrasado en los niveles de lectura y matemáticas. Esta...

How to Address Unfinished Learning Now That Kids Are Back in School

The COVID pandemic has deepened education divides for children. Millions have fallen behind in reading and math levels. This learning loss, which experts suggest...

Democracia en peligro: 19 estados limitan el derecho al voto para minorías

From left to right: Wade Henderson, Interim President, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights & The Leadership Conference Education Fund; John C....

News Briefings


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Info Flow