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HomeNews BriefingsHow Real is the Threat of Nuclear War?

How Real is the Threat of Nuclear War?

Was Live Friday, May 6, 2022

Guest Speakers

  • Michael Klare – Five College professor emeritus of peace and world security studies, and director of the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College
  • Daryl Kimball – Executive Director of the Arms Control Association and publisher and contributor for the organization’s monthly journal, Arms Control Today
  • Gabriela Iveliz Rosa Hernández -Research Associate at the Arms Control Association
  • Andrew Nynka – Editor-in-Chief, The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda at the
    Ukrainian National Association

Our News Report from this Media Briefing

How Real is the Threat

“The war in Ukraine is the most serious European military conflict since World War II, and threatens to produce the greatest nuclear crisis since the height of the cold war,” writes Walter Russell Mead in the Wall St. Journal. He is one of a growing number of commentators to warn that – as both sides keep raising the stakes – the danger of nuclear confrontation grows. How real is the threat? Who is most vulnerable if the Russians use tactical nuclear weapons? What is the debate over what the US can do to mitigate the threat or how the US should respond?

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