Wednesday, February 26, 2025
HomeSpotlight on Ethnic MediaIt’s Time for Congress to Approve Permanent Healthcare for Indian Country

It’s Time for Congress to Approve Permanent Healthcare for Indian Country

Levi Rickert/Native News Online

The day before last week’s White House Tribal Nation Summit kicked off, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) held a meeting with several dozen tribal leaders from across Indian Country at the Capital Hilton. They met to prepare for high-level discussions with high-ranking Biden administration officials that would take place at the summit. 

Outside the meeting room, a sign produced by the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) read: “Native Lives Can’t Wait…It’s time for stable funding for the Indian Health Service.” The sign foretold a topic that would surface in discussions over the course of the next couple days when the summit convened on Wednesday and Thursday. 

At issue is the fact there is no permanent federal funding for healthcare for Indian Country.

Read the full story at Native News Online

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