Friday, February 21, 2025


Local Parks on the Chopping Block at Los Angeles City Hall

LA will consider a series of cuts this week as the city faces a $469 million deficit this year, jeopardizing the city's already ailing parks system.

Bidwell Park Struggles with Increased Use, Dry Conditions

Chico Sol (Multi-Ethnic) | Californians flock to public parks to escape lockdowns, connect with nature.

Aumento de visitantes a los parques a partir de la pandemia, amenaza la...

La Opinion (Spanish) | "It's about respecting the earth, and respecting ourselves as human beings."

Enjoy, Don’t Destroy Our Public Parks

India Currents | Public parks usage is a delicate balance between recreation and preservation.

東灣: 保護公園生態 不放生 不喂食 不棄養

Sky Link TV Cantonese News | East Bay: Let’s protect the ecosystem of our parks.

Các công viên khắp California cần được bảo vệ vì cư dân đến...

Nguoi Viet (Vietnamese) | While parks help many residents stay healthy, overcrowding in parks creates many dangers to the environment and native wildlife.

州立公園疫期訪客驟增五倍 環境面臨威脅加大

Sino TV (Chinese) | State parks see five-fold increase in visitors during pandemic, increasing environmental threats.

Как сохранить природное и видовое разнообразие парков штата?

Slavic Sacramento | How to preserve the natural and species diversity of state parks?

Dale a la vida silvestre su espacio y disfrútala

Impulso (Spanish) | Give wildlife their space and enjoy it.

東灣公園局呼籲遊客 享受大自然敬請自重

Sing Tao Daily News (Chinese) | East Bay Regional Park District appeals to tourists to enjoy nature and be respectful.

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