Saturday, March 8, 2025

Ethnic Media Services

Una escuela de MacArthur Park con mucho cemento y pocos árboles

Hispanic LA | Con el calentamiento global y temperaturas que superan los 100 grados F, la falta de árboles y espacios verdes en las escuelas ha emergido como un problema crítico.

MacArthur Park School: Lots of Cement, Few Trees

Hispanic LA | With global warming pushing temperatures beyond 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the lack of trees and green space has become a critical problem in schools, where youth vulnerable to the heat spend much of their lives.

Oaxaqueño dueño de vivero cree en las bondades de propagar los árboles frutales

Impulso | Ayudar a frenar el cambio climático, a la reforestación, a generar sombras y proveer un alimento rico al paladar, es la pasión del arboricultor de árboles frutales, Ricardo Ortiz.

Oaxacan Nursery Owner Believes in Benefits of Fruit Trees

Impulso | Fruit tree arborist Ricardo Ortiz is passionate about helping to stop climate change and reforestation, creating shade, and providing delicious food for the palate.

Advocates Express Outrage, Disappointment as CA Reparations Bills Stall in Legislature

Advocates from across California protested at the State Capitol Saturday after the Legislature failed to bring two critical reparations bills to the floor for a full vote on Aug. 31, the final day of the legislative session.

Sandy Close Speaks About the Resiliency of a United Ethnic Media + Ethnic Media Coverage

EMS Director shares about the state of the Local & Ethnic Media landscape | Click on headline text for more Ethnic Media Coverage from the 2024 EM Awards.

East LA, Boyle Heights Neighbors Call For More Trees, Fewer Cell Phone Antennas

Kiosko | Residents of East Los Angeles and Boyle Heights are asking for more trees to mitigate heat waves and have more oxygen.

Vecinos del Este de Los Ángeles y Boyle Heights piden más árboles y menos antenas para celulares

Kiosko | Vecinos del Este de Los Ángeles y de Boyle Heights piden más árboles para mitigar las olas de calor y tener más oxígeno.

增加綠蔭覆蓋應對極端高溫 居民可這樣做

World Journal | 洛加大環境與可持續發展研究所(Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California Los Angeles)的一項報告揭示,極端高溫對洛杉磯的低收入人口和有色人種社區影響尤為嚴重。這些社區通常人口密度更高,建筑老舊且品質較差、空調配備不足,且城市森林覆蓋率較低。

Indigenous Wisdom Consulting: A Path for LA County to Embrace Nature

Indigenous Network | Los Angeles County’s original stewards were the Tongva, the Chumash, the Tataviam, and the Acjachemen.

Green Shade Coverage for Extreme Heat: What LA Residents Can Do

World Journal | A report from the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA reveals that extreme heat has a disproportionate impact on low-income people and communities of color in Los Angeles.

Despite Tree Giveaway Programs in Southern CA, AAPI Don’t Fully Benefit

UNE News Express | Promotion of many nonprofit urban greening and tree giveaway programs has not reached the AAPI community.

Involving Youth in Greening, Maintaining Green Spaces in Schools

Myanmar Gazette | Underserved communities, disproportionately impacted by extreme heat and lacking access to green spaces, are taking matters into their own hands to bring nature into their neighborhoods.

Un millar de árboles al rescate para el calor inclemente de Pacoima y Sun Valley

La Opinión | A pesar de la resistencia de algunos vecinos, la ampliación de la cubierta verde iniciada en 2022 beneficiará a vecindarios y a cinco escuelas que cada año sufren las altas temperatura.

Over 1,000 Trees Planted in Hottest Areas of San Fernando Valley

La Opinión | Despite resistance from some San Fernando Valley residents, expanding green cover benefits neighborhoods and five schools suffering yearly from high temperatures.

Green Havens: Designing Public Parks for Mental Health

Al Enteshar | In the heart of bustling cities and tranquil suburbs, public parks are being recognized not merely as spaces for recreation and socializing, but as vital components for enhancing mental wellness.

Greening LA: Chinese Americans Collaborate

World Journal | Worried about rising rents and being forced out of the neighborhoods they've lived in for years, residents are suspicious of any new renovation measures, especially greening projects that seem like a good idea.

Program Booklet

The Program Booklet

The Challenge of Prosecuting a Hate Crime

Aug 23 | In 2023, California saw 1,970 reported hate crimes, but only five went to trial. This week, two victims and experts discuss the challenges in securing convictions and the need to keep reporting.

Korean American Teen Dies After Brutal Assault in LA

By Kyeongjun Kim, Youngnam Kim | Korea Daily In the wake of rising violent crime in the Koreatown area of Los Angeles, a tragic incident...

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