Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Selen Ozturk

After LA Fires, Immigrants Face Deportation Threats

After one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history burned over 50,000 acres of Los Angeles County, immigrants are already cleaning up.

Health Officials, CBOs Detail Efforts to Protect Health Care for 15.5 Million Californians

With 15.5 million Medi-Cal members up for renewal, health officials and CBOs are working to ensure Californians maintain continuous coverage.



Las escuelas de CA reciben $117 millones para convertir el pavimento en zonas verdes

A new $117 million CalFIRE program aims to shade kids from record heat by replacing school pavement with drought-tolerant green space.

CA Schools Get $117M to Turn Pavement Into Green Space

A new $117 million CalFIRE program aims to shade kids from record heat by replacing school pavement with drought-tolerant green space.

Cómo refresca a los angelinos, la única comisionada en la Oficina de calor de la costa oeste

LA Chief Heat Officer Marta Segura is responding to the heat waves scorching Southern California as a public health crisis.

How the West Coast’s Only Heat Officer is Cooling LA

LA Chief Heat Officer Marta Segura is responding to the heat waves scorching Southern California as a public health crisis.

Se amplía el apoyo de Medi-Cal para las doulas

Hay división, entre las doulas (parteras) de California, en cuanto al beneficio que puede ofrecerles la inclusión de sus servicios en Medi-Cal.

Medi-Cal Support Expanding for Doulas

Doulas in California are divided as to the benefit that inclusion in Medi-Cal can offer them.

How the Ulysses Project is Aiding the ‘Eternal Refugee’

With the Ulysses Project, Dr. Patrick Marius Koga is helping refugees in California overcome mental health disorders through demedicalized psychological and professional aid.

More Parks, Trees May Add Nearly 1 Million Years to LA County Life Expectancy

A UCLA study confirms what the urban greening nonprofit TreePeople has seen for 50 years: environmental inequality worsens public health in LA County.

Cómo el condado más caluroso de California lucha contra el calor extremo

Dado que las enfermedades y muertes relacionadas con el calor han aumentado en el condado de Imperial en los últimos años, los centros de refrigeración resultan fundamentales en la lucha contra el calor extremo.

How CA’s Hottest and Most Latino County is Fighting Extreme Heat

As heat-related illnesses and deaths have risen in Imperial County over the past few years, cooling centers prove critical in the fight against extreme heat.



캘리포니아 스몰 비즈니스와 비영리단체, 6월 한달동안 코로나19 그랜트 신청 가능

2021-2022년 사이에 26-29명의 직원을 고용하고 코로나19 유급병가 비용을 지불한 업체는 5000달러에서 5만달러까지 그랜트를 받을 수 있다.

Las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro de California pueden solicitar la subvención alivio COVID durante el mes de junio

Aquellos con 26-49 empleados en 2021 o 2022, que pagaron COVID licencia por enfermedad, son elegibles para $ 5K a 50K.

COVID Relief Grants Open to CA Small Nonprofits, Businesses Through June

Those with 26-49 employees in 2021 or 2022, who paid COVID sick leave, are eligible for $5K to 50K.

The Role of Education in Eradicating Hate

At a briefing held by the ACT Against Hate Alliance, high school and university student leaders shared their experiences promoting inclusivity in academic environments throughout their communities.

La Biblioteca de la Imaginación de Dolly Parton llegará a todo el estado de California

A partir del 6 de junio, millones de niños californianos podrán recibir un libro mensual en inglés o español.

The Impact of Hate-Motivated Behavior on African American Health

At the 13th annual virtual Black Physicians Forum, health experts shared how racism underlies hate-motivated behavior which adversely impacts African American health.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to be Statewide in CA

Starting June 6, millions of Californian children will be eligible to receive a monthly English or Spanish book.

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