As the West rallies in its support for Ukraine, media in Asia are offering a more nuanced perspective in line with their country’s dealings with Russia.
California lawmakers introduced two bills in the state Legislature Feb. 17 aimed at combating the surge of hate crimes targeting Asian Americans and Pacific...
Los latinos ahora componen más de una cuarta parte de la población de Florida, pero el estado no se está creando ningún distrito con una mayoría de latinos.
Image: Loree D. Jones, CEO of Philabundance, a hunger relief project in Philadelphia, was among several experts speaking on the expiration of the Child...
Los expertos en salud pública están preocupados por las nuevas pautas de los CDC que reducen a la mitad el tiempo de aislamiento para las que expuestas a Covid.
The CDC issued its revised guidelines Dec. 27, recommending that people who have tested positive for Covid isolate for five days, down from the previous 10-day requirement.
As the Omicron variant was found in the state’s wastewater supplies, California Dec. 13 re-instituted a one month mask mandate at indoor public places.
Teen suicide and depression rates are as alarming as deaths from Covid-19, but few mental health resources are available to address this shadow pandemic.
12월 연휴는 미국에서 1년중 가장 여행객 이동이 많은 시기이다. 연방교통안전청(Transportation Security Administration)에 따르면 지난해는 코로나19 확진건수 증가에도 불구하고 미국내 50-500마일 이내 여행 150억건이 이뤄졌다.
Late last month, holiday travel concerns emerged afresh as a new Coronavirus variant known as Omicron was first identified by scientists in South Africa.