Thursday, October 17, 2024

    Kamala Harris’ Response to Gaza Disappoints, But Does Not Dissuade Young Voters

    As November swiftly approaches and ballots sit on kitchen tables waiting to be marked, the question of whether youth political engagement around the Israel-Hamas...

    Korean American Community Rattled by Racist Incidents

    Both incidents point to the ongoing racial animus targeting the AAPI community and the impacts of racist political rhetoric ahead of the November elections.

    Latest | Live Podcast

    Live Every Friday | 11am PST

    Ensuring Our Vote Counts Amid Election Threats

    Live Friday | This briefing gathers top election experts to discuss voter registration, highlight new state voting laws that may affect participation, and address key threats to election security.

    Getting Students to Embrace STEM

    Oct 11 | Speakers discuss novel initiatives to engage kids in STEM occupations, as well as some of the barriers in classrooms.

    Sandy Close Speaks About the Resiliency of a United Ethnic Media + Ethnic Media Coverage

    EMS Director shares about the state of the Local & Ethnic Media landscape | Click on headline text for more Ethnic Media Coverage from the 2024 EM Awards.

    Who’s at Risk Under Project 2025?

    Project 2025 poses an "existential threat" to immigrant, reproductive, LGBTQ+, climate and health protections nationwide, policy leaders warn.

    Pacoima Middle School Paves the Way With Living Schoolyard

    San Fernando Valley Sun / El Sol | The school, in one of the most economically disadvantaged areas of the San Fernando Valley, is the largest greening project for LAUSD.

    Korean American Community Rattled by Racist Incidents

    Both incidents point to the ongoing racial animus targeting the AAPI community and the impacts of racist political rhetoric ahead of the November elections.

    Updated Covid Vaccines Are Here and They’re Effective

    Three updated Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out earlier this month, and experts say they are incredibly effective.
    Highlights | EMS News Briefings
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    How Compton Unified Is Helping Kids Enter the Technology Workforce Right Out of High School
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    Public School Students Need Education That Gives Them Access to STEM Careers
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    Compton Unified Graduate Shares How the District’s STEAM Program Prepared Her for College
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    Raising Teacher Awareness of Gender and Racial Inequities Key to Ending Implicit Bias in Math Class
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    Implicit Bias Leads Teachers to Underestimate STEM Potential in Girls and Students of Color
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    Girls Who Code Participants Pursue Computer Science Degrees at Rate Seven Times the National Average
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    Compton Unified Parents Love District’s STEAM Program and the “Amazing Opportunities” it Provides
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    With Robust STEAM Education Program, Compton Unified School District Is Closing the Opportunity Gap
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    Providing Equal Access to STEM Education Is a Civil Rights Issue
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    Do Not Stand Under a Doorway During an Earthquake, Experts Advise
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    New Earthquake Alert App Gives People Extra Time to Drop, Cover and Hold On
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    MyShake Earthquake Alert App Also Helps with Preparedness
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    During an Earthquake, Stay Inside and Drop, Cover and Hold On
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    The Road Hazards Drivers Face After an Earthquake
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    As Natural Disasters Increase with Climate Change, Cell Phone Alerts Can Save Your Life
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    Project 2025 Seeks to Direct Federal Funding to Support a ‘Biblically-based Definition of Family’
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    Project 2025 Architects Have Built ‘Their Careers on Attacking LGBTQ People’
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    Personhood Ideology Threatens Abortion Access, IVF Treatments
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    Misogynistic, Heteronormative, Homophobic Project 2025’s Vision for Families and Society
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    The Corporate Interests Behind Project 2025
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    Higher Drug Prices, Privatizing Medicare on Project 2025's Healthcare Agenda
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    Anti-immigration Project 2025 Seeks to Eliminate DACA, End Birthright Citizenship
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    Project 2025’s Mass Deportation Agenda
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    Covid Vaccines Are Crucial Because the Virus ‘Changes a Little Too Fast’ for Our Immune Systems
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    Removing Barriers to Access, Building Trust Key to Boosting Vaccinations in Communities of Color
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    Vaccine Hesitancy Cited As One of the Top 10 Global Health Threats
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    Dominance of Drug Company Messaging Diminishes Confidence in Covid Vaccine
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    Causing Harm by Dissuading People from Vaccines
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    Scammers Are Good at What They Do, Reporting Scams Is Best Defense
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    Emerging Sophisticated ‘Tag-team’ Scams Involve Multiple Impersonators
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    Scam Squad Task Force, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
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    You Need to Tell Your Scam Story
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    Scammers Targeting SNAP Recipients
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    Student Debt Relief Scammers Promise Complete Loan Forgiveness, Steal Hundreds in Illegal Fees
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    Americans Lost $1.3 Billion to Impersonation Scams in the First Half of 2024
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    Recognizing the Lies Fraudsters Use to Scam People
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    Scammers Are Incredibly Sophisticated, Can ‘Create a Sense of Panic’ in Victims
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    The Challenges of Tracing Money After a Scam
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    Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Addresses Racial Disparities in Energy Security
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    Forty-two Percent of U.S. Emissions Come from Household Appliances
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    The Justice 40 Initiative: Ensuring Marginalized Communities Receive Clean Energy Investments
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    Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Tackles Climate Crisis and Economic Disenfranchisement
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    Supporting Private Sector Investment in Green Energy and Climate Solutions
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    Green Energy Jobs Will ‘Change the Economic Landscape’ for Rural Communities
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    The Assumption that Kamala Harris Rejects One Side of Her Identity When She Embraces the Other
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    Republicans Who Support Harris for President Are Still Likely to Vote GOP in Down Ballot Races
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    How Republicans Lost the Support of AAPI Voters in the Mid-1990s
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    A Growing Number of AAPI Voters Are Leaning Conservative in 2024

    Korean American Community Rattled by Racist Incidents

    Both incidents point to the ongoing racial animus targeting the AAPI community and the impacts of racist political rhetoric ahead of the November elections.

    Black Caucus Members Weigh Next Steps for Reparations in California

    Caucus members are on a statewide listening tour after the State Assembly failed to bring up two reparations bills for a floor vote last month.