Apr 19 | Our panel of experts explain what student loan debt forgiveness programs are still on the books, and the future avenues for college affordability and equity.
Kiosko Magazine | Diana Lara has spent the past 33 years caring for a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down, a demanding job that leaves her little time and less pay.
Apr 16 | A DHCS expert shares data on redetermination's impact on Medi-Cal and future plans. The director of an LA County clinic discusses helping recipients maintain coverage. Three individuals share stories about Medi-Cal's importance to their families.
This week, speakers cover history of stigma surrounding fatness, the shift from body positivity to anti-diet culture, new weight loss drugs' impact, social media's role in promoting unhealthy habits, and childhood obesity's link to school bullying.
The DHCS discuss the Medi-Cal transformation and its multi-year initiative to create a better system of care. Community providers and healthcare workers will share insights on implementing EMC, Community Supports, and bridging health information gaps.
Bringing parts of LA County with below-average tree canopy up to the average would mean close to 1 million years of added life expectancy for Angelinos.
Bringing parts of LA County with below-average tree canopy up to the average would mean close to 1 million years of added life expectancy for Angelinos.
In this briefing, we focus on the importance of continuous health coverage for children ages 0-5, how gaps in health coverage and issues with Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) renewals affect families, and the potential impact of both nationwide.
This briefing showcases Listas, an innovative California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) initiative empowering women with essential emergency resilience knowledge.
Para un joven inmigrante de México, unirse a una pandilla le ofreció protección contra el acoso hasta que se convirtió en el acosador dentro y fuera del aula.
La Voz de la Comunidad | In this episode, we hear about common societal prejudices toward people who are obese and the harm this can cause to a person's mental health.
The Mexican president also criticized U.S. politicians for targeting immigrant communities who, he said, often undertake risk jobs like the workers on the bridge.
Stigma around Alzheimer's impedes care. Our speakers share diverse approaches and destigmatization efforts that are key for effective support in Latino, Black, AAPI, and LGBT+ communities.