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HomeCalifornia Caregivers

California Caregivers

Home health workers, mainly women and people of color, are vital to California’s healthcare. This series celebrates these CA Caregivers by documenting their lived experiences. This work is part of a collaboration with The California Department of Aging’s CalGrows program, which offers free online training for caregivers to gain valuable skills for career advancement, and if eligible can earn $6000 stipends. Time is running out as the program ends in August 2024.

Una Vida de Servicio y Cuidado Para Los Adultos Mayores

Para Dulce María Chávez cuidar a las personas mayores no es solo un trabajo es ofrecerles atención, cuidados y apoyo.

‘I Promised I Would Care for Him’

Diana Lara has spent the past 33 years caring for a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down, a demanding job that leaves her little time and less pay.

Caring for Elders is Something ‘Innate in Me’

For the past year, Violeta Olivares has been the caregiver for Joan McBride, a retired school teacher who suffers from dementia.

Free Online Training for California Home Health Workers Ending Soon

If you’re struggling to care for elderly or disabled friends or family, CalGrows has hundreds of free — and paying — online or in-person classes to help.