Friday, March 14, 2025

Peter Schurmann

Peter Schurmann is the online editor for Ethnic Media Services. He previously worked as communications coordinator for the conservation non-profit Earth Innovation Institute. Peter’s reporting has covered a wide variety of topics, from international affairs to education, health and the environment. His work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Nation and National Catholic Reporter, among other outlets.

How a Ruling on Gerrymandering Led to North Carolina’s ‘Monster Abortion Bill’

Republicans in North Carolina's are pushing through bills targeting abortion and the trans community following a ruling allowing extreme partisan gerrymandering.

Korea Daily Bridges Generation Gap With English Newsletter

A new English-language newsletter from the Korea Daily seeks to connect younger Korean Americans and to be a platform for the wider Korean community.

California debe gestionar la sequía y las inundaciones al mismo tiempo

Las inundaciones previstas por la escorrentía primaveral en el valle de San Joaquín amenazan esta región agrícola vital.

California Must Co-manage Drought and Flooding at the Same Time

After years of drought, California's San Joaquin Valley now faces potentially catastrophic flooding that could jeopardize this key agricultural region.

리버럴은 이제 연방대법원에 대한 짝사랑을 끝낼 때다

텍사스 낙태 판결은 사법부의 극단적 당파적 성격과 그것이 앞으로 몇 년 동안 국가 정치를 어떻게 재구성할 수 있는지를 강조합니다.

Es hora de que los liberales se desenamoren de la Corte Suprema

La sentencia sobre el aborto en Texas pone de relieve el carácter extremadamente partidista del poder judicial.

Time for Liberals to Fall Out of Love with the Supreme Court

The Texas abortion ruling highlights the extreme partisan nature of the judiciary and threatens to reshape national politics for years to come.

Devoid of Tenderness — Two Catholic Writers Discuss Time of Reckoning for American Church

Author MaryJo McConahay's new book traces the rightward shift among America's Catholic hierarchy.

FTC Briefing Targets Scams Hitting API Communities in California

Federal and local agencies, community stakeholders, and ethnic media came together to raise public awareness and encourage people to report when they’ve been scammed.

La policrisis alienta las protestas en Perú

El racismo arraigado, la disfunción política, la degradación medioambiental y el aumento de la desigualdad están alentando las protestas en Perú, que ya han cobrado 70 vidas, en su mayoría indígenas.

The Polycrisis Fueling Protests in Perú

Entrenched racism, political dysfunction, environmental degradation and soaring inequality are fueling protests in Perú.

How Can We Salvage US-China Relations?

John Kamm, a former businessman and veteran human rights defender in China, says there are areas of common ground for the US and China to restore frayed relations.

Should Violent Acts Against Homeless People Be Hate Crimes?

As the nation grapples with a rise in hate crimes targeting racial, religious and gender groups, people in one Northern California city say they are being targeted for a different reason: because they are homeless.

The ‘Lie Lives On’: Jan. 6 Set Off Wave of Restrictive Voter Laws

Two years after false claims of voter fraud fueled the Jan. 6 insurrection, those same lies are shaping restrictive voter laws in a slew of states.

Công viên cho mọi người: Hãy đến và tận hưởng, nhưng đừng phá hủy

Các công viên địa phương chứng kiến lượng du khách tăng đột biến trong đại dịch Covid, đặt ra câu hỏi về sự cân bằng giữa hoạt động giải trí của con người và môi trường tự nhiên.

Farmworkers Still Exposed to Highest Infection Rates — Experts Warn Against Normalizing COVID

Although recognized as essential workers, their work has exposed and continues to expose them to the most severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Missed Opportunity — U.S. Set Agenda of Africa Summit, Not Africans

The agenda for the recent U.S.-Africa Summit reflects the continuing view in the West of Africa as a charity case rather than a key player on the global stage.

La migración transfronteriza está cambiando. Nuestras políticas no.

Al centrarse en el número de inmigrantes se pasa por alto un aspecto clave: cómo están cambiando los flujos migratorios.

Cross Border Migration is Changing. Our Policies Aren’t.

The focus on the number of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. misses a key aspect of how migrant flows are changing and why border policy needs to adapt.

School Districts With the Greatest Need Get Fewer Dollars, Study Shows

A new study finds that nationwide school districts with more Black and Latino students receive on average 16% less than whiter, wealthier districts.

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