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Peter Schurmann

Peter Schurmann is the online editor for Ethnic Media Services. He previously worked as communications coordinator for the conservation non-profit Earth Innovation Institute. Peter’s reporting has covered a wide variety of topics, from international affairs to education, health and the environment. His work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Nation and National Catholic Reporter, among other outlets.

Pueblo salvadoreño paralizado por el miedo: cómo un hombre recuperó su libertad

El arresto de un conocido activista comunitario en El Salvador pone de relieve el creciente riesgo de detención arbitraria en la nación centroamericana.



Las elecciones intermedias ofrecen una visión de la “nueva mayoría norteamericana”

Los activistas afirman que los cambios en el electorado estadounidense no se reflejan en las encuestas nacionales.

Midterms Offer Glimpse of ‘New American Majority’

Advocates say changes in the American electorate are not reflected in national polling, which they argue distort expectations and campaign funding.

Construyendo puentes hacia el progreso climático

La conferencia anual de la ONU podría aportar los tan necesarios y esperados fondos para las estrategias climáticas mundiales.

Building Bridges to Climate Progress

This year's UN climate conference could bring about much-needed and long-awaited funding for climate strategies in developing nations.

Five Texas Candidates Who Are Taking Democracy By the Reins

With democracy on the ballot this November, these five candidates say the solution is to lean in and "be part of the solution."

“Tristeza, delusión, ira” — Oaxaqueños indígenas luchan por identidad, representación

Los comentarios racistas de los líderes latinos en Los Ángeles han perjudicado los esfuerzos para promover la participación cívica de la comunidad oaxaqueña.

Las próximas elecciones en Brasil son de “vida o muerte” para los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonia

Las elecciones podrían determinar el destino de la selva amazónica y de las comunidades indígenas que la habitan.

Brazil’s Upcoming Elections are ‘Life or Death’ for Indigenous People of the Amazon

Brazilians head to the polls Oct. 30 in an election that could determine the fate of the Amazon rainforest and the Indigenous communities that live there.

公園說:請來享用 但不要破壞


공원 이용은 언제나 환영, 하지만 자연보호를 잊지말자

지역 공원은 Covid 전염병 동안 방문객이 급증하여 인간 레크리에이션과 자연 환경 사이의 균형에 대한 질문을 제기했습니다.

‘Sadness, Disappointment, Anger’ — Indigenous Oaxacans Fight for Identity, Representation

Racist remarks by LA's Latino leadership cut to the core of efforts to promote greater civic pride among Indigenous Oaxacans, says one veteran organizer.

Mensaje de los parques: ven y disfruta, pero no destruyas

Los parques locales experimentaron un aumento de visitantes durante la pandemia, lo que planteó cuestiones sobre el equilibrio entre la recreación humana y el entorno natural.

Parks to People: Come and Enjoy, But Don’t Destroy

Local parks saw a surge in visitors during the Covid pandemic, raising questions about the balance between human recreation and the natural environment.

Nury Martinez and the Unmaking of the ‘Great Mexican City’

Author Richard Rodriguez says the political scandal rocking LA obscures a deeper question about how the city imagines itself now and in the future.

New Tool Tracks Misinformation Targeting Chinese Americans

The website has already identified hundreds of misleading articles, a majority promoting extreme right-wing messages targeting Chinese speakers.

To See Where Immigration in the US is Headed, Look to Where It’s Been

"Immigration: An American History" looks at the role immigration has played in America’s history, and what that history tells us about our current moment.

Finding the Unexpected in the Everyday: Illustrator Felipe Galindo on Political Cartoons and Partisan Divides

The power of political cartoons can often transcend language and even cultural barriers. But can they transcend today's stark partisan divides.

‘그들은 가족을 파괴한다’-애틀랜타 한인사회를 상처입히는 암호화폐 사기

애틀랜타 한국 언론의 보도에 따르면 수백 명에 달하는 희생자가 발생한 것으로 추정되는 총 1천만 달러의 손실이 있습니다. 한 여성이 지금 정의를 찾고 있습니다.

‘They Break Up Families’ — Crypto Scam Leaves Lasting Scars for Atlanta’s Korean Community

Reporting by Atlanta's Korean media show losses totaling $10 million with alleged victims in the hundreds. One woman is now looking for justice.

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