Saturday, March 8, 2025
HomeTagHate Crimes

Hate Crimes

Ethnic Minorities Face Rising Hate Crimes in Rural California

Hate crimes are mounting in rural California, where many ethnic minorities are too distrustful of the government to report them.

Honoring Those Working to Create a Healthier and More Just California

Every year the James Irvine Foundation honors leaders for advancing solutions to critical challenges that affect millions of people across California.

Swastikas Found on Ukrainian Flags in San Francisco Bay Area

The Mill Valley Police Department in Northern California's Marin County reported recent incidents of vandalism in which someone spray-painted a black swastika on Ukrainian flags on private property. 

Looking at California’s Hate Reporting Hotline One Year In

One year after the multilingual CA vs Hate reporting hotline was launched, how has it answered hate? 

First Digital Resource Hub Targets Anti-Asian Hate

With anti-Asian hate skyrocketing in recent years, helping AAPI communities respond to discrimination is more crucial than ever.

Oklahoma Non-binary High Schooler Dies After Brutal Beating

A 16-year-old non-binary student died in a small town in Oklahoma shortly after classmates brutally attacked her.

Who Remembers Vincent Chin?

Leaders of community-based organizations and ethnic media gathered together in Orange County to find solutions to combatting hate.

Unhoused in Chico Face Hostility and Sometimes Violence

Unhoused people in California are not protected under hate crime statutes despite the growing number of violent attacks in the state and nationally targeting them.

‘Never Again’ Say Speakers at Monterey Park Memorial

Community leaders came together Jan. 19 to memorialize the worst mass shooting in Los Angeles County history.

Hmong Diaspora Grieves Death of Tou Ger Xiong

The Hmong diaspora worldwide have lost a one-of-a-kind, modern day hero in Tou Ger Xiong, said Mee Moua, his close friend and former Minnesota State Senator.

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