Thursday, January 23, 2025

Ethnic Media Services

Could Rebuilding LA Upend Plans to Deport Millions of Immigrants?

Live Friday | Undocumented immigrants are vital to disaster recovery and the economy, prompting debates on immigration policies as businesses face worker shortages. Our panel will discuss these issues and workers' rights.

Usuarios de parques en Pico-Union piden mejoras, más áreas verdes y zonas de recreación familiar

Impulso | En dos parques públicos muy frecuentados por la comunidad oaxaqueña de la ciudad, los usuarios están pidiendo que haya más árboles de sombra.

Urban Greening: An Interview with Artesia Mayor Pro Tem Ali Sajjad Taj

Showbiz India TV | Lower-income neighborhoods have long lacked adequate tree canopy and green infrastructure compared to wealthier areas.

Video viral provoca protestas por el acoso y la seguridad de los estudiantes en Calexico

Los padres de Calexico están dando la alarma sobre un video que se volvió viral en las redes sociales que muestra a un estudiante siendo atacado.

Viral Video Prompts Outcry Over Bullying, Student Safety in Calexico

Parents in Calexico are raising alarms over a recent video that went viral on social media showing a student being assaulted.

How a San Francisco Catholic School Addresses Evolving Bullying

Once a perceived hotbed for racism and homophobia, Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep has made strides even as bullying evolves in the digital age.

Student Debt Forgiveness: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Apr 19 | Our panel of experts explain what student loan debt forgiveness programs are still on the books, and the future avenues for college affordability and equity.

Una Vida de Servicio y Cuidado Para Los Adultos Mayores

Impulso | Para Dulce María Chávez cuidar a las personas mayores no es solo un trabajo es ofrecerles atención, cuidados y apoyo.

‘I Promised I Would Care for Him’

Kiosko Magazine | Diana Lara has spent the past 33 years caring for a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down, a demanding job that leaves her little time and less pay.

Filipino Youth Who Bully and Have Been Bullied Break the Cycle

In 2001, the massive influx of Asian immigrants settling in the United States was still in full swing — and so was the promise of the American Dream.

Medi-Cal’s Impact After Redetermination: How Californians Can Renew Coverage

Apr 16 | A DHCS expert shares data on redetermination's impact on Medi-Cal and future plans. The director of an LA County clinic discusses helping recipients maintain coverage. Three individuals share stories about Medi-Cal's importance to their families.

Can We Ever Escape Our Phobia of Fat?

This week, speakers cover history of stigma surrounding fatness, the shift from body positivity to anti-diet culture, new weight loss drugs' impact, social media's role in promoting unhealthy habits, and childhood obesity's link to school bullying.

Transforming Medi-Cal — Bringing Quality Care to Communities

The DHCS discuss the Medi-Cal transformation and its multi-year initiative to create a better system of care. Community providers and healthcare workers will share insights on implementing EMC, Community Supports, and bridging health information gaps.

The Emerging US-Japan-Philippine Alliance

The Philippines needs to leverage emerging security partnerships with Washington and Tokyo for its national interest.

Los parques y la sombra de los árboles son cuestión de vida o muerte en Los Ángeles

Bringing parts of LA County with below-average tree canopy up to the average would mean close to 1 million years of added life expectancy for Angelinos.

Parks and Tree Canopy Are a Matter of Life and Death in Los Angeles

Bringing parts of LA County with below-average tree canopy up to the average would mean close to 1 million years of added life expectancy for Angelinos.

LGBTQ Bullying in Little Saigon: A Danger Few Acknowledge

As hate incidents rise nationwide, so does LGBTQ bullying. But in Little Saigon, this is a problem that few people pay acknowledge.

Ensuring the Youngest Kids Get Continuous Health Care Coverage

In this briefing, we focus on the importance of continuous health coverage for children ages 0-5, how gaps in health coverage and issues with Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) renewals affect families, and the potential impact of both nationwide.

‘Listas’ Campaign Enlists Women — Backbone for State’s Emergency Preparedness

This briefing showcases Listas, an innovative California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) initiative empowering women with essential emergency resilience knowledge.

Los espacios verdes, la salud y desigualdades

Hispanic LA | Numerosos estudios han documentado los beneficios para la salud física y mental que brindan los árboles y los espacios verdes.

Para un ex joven, las pandillas eran una defensa contra el bullying

Para un joven inmigrante de México, unirse a una pandilla le ofreció protección contra el acoso hasta que se convirtió en el acosador dentro y fuera del aula.

News Briefings

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