Monday, March 3, 2025

Jaya Padmanabhan

Jaya Padmanabhan was the editor of India Currents from 2012-16. She is the author of the collection of short stories, Transactions of Belonging.

Myth, AI, & Reality Power A Thrilling New Genre Of Indian Sci-Fi!

From the Ramayana and Artificial Intelligence to Climate Crisis, Indian Science Fiction authors are asking, what if we lived in an alternate universe where the future is a reimagined past?

‘Who Are You?’ Asked My Mother

My 89-year-old mother had lived in our home in California since 2006. But I was forced to move her to an assisted living facility in India.

Stephen Curry and Chesa Boudin — Mirror Opposites of What’s Missing and What’s Possible for San Francisco

Just as the ousted DA Chesa Boudin came to symbolize all that’s wrong with San Francisco, the basketball star Stephen Curry now signifies all that’s remarkable about it.

Alito Opinion Could Usher in New Jane Crow Era

The likely undoing of Roe v. Wade has grave consequences for reproductive care. But Alito’s 98-page opinion shows other hard-won rights are imperiled.

캘리포니아 주정부, 주지사 주민소환 선거 앞두고 유권자 권리 숙지 당부

자야 파드마나반 현재 18개주에서 유권자들의 투표를 어렵게 만드는 법안 30개가 추진중인 가운데, 캘리포니아주는 더 많은 유권자의 참여를 보장하는 투표 권리 법안을 채택하고 있다. 캘리포니아주 롭 본타...

Al prepararse para votar en las elecciones de destitución, conozca sus derechos, dicen los funcionarios del Estado de California

Por Jaya Padmanabhan En un momento en el que dieciocho estados han decretado 30 leyes que dificultarán aún más el voto de los americanos, la...

加州官員:當您準備在州長罷免選舉中投票時 請先了解自己的權利

Jaya Padmanabhan報導/Ethnic Media Services 在美國18個州制定30項讓人民更難投票的法律之際,為了提高選民的參與度,加州的選民權利法案反而擴大了民眾投票的機會。 隨著州長罷免選舉選票開始寄達選民信箱,加州檢察長邦塔(Rob Bonta)和州務卿韋伯(Shirley Weber)8月16日在一項視訊記者會上提醒所有選民出來投票。 韋伯說:「我們希望確保每個加州人都投出自己的一票,因為這是一個重要的決定,和我們在其他選舉中所做的每一個決定一樣重要。」她表示,她是被剝奪投票權的佃農之女,今天卻擔任確保所有加州人擁有自由、公平、無障礙選舉的職務,實在諷刺。 邦塔呼籲所有加州人檢視加州現有的投票權保護法律,以「了解您的權利並制定好投票計畫」。 加州選民權利法案是《2001年加州投票權法案》(California Voting Rights Act of 2001)的修訂版,為了讓選民更容易閱讀和了解,在過去六年中以較簡單的語言對原法案進行了修改。 這些權利已公布在加州州務卿網站上,也可以在寄給每個投票家庭的選民訊息指南(Voter Information Guide)中找到,也會在2021年9月14日選舉日當天張貼在各投票站。 以下是加州賦予每位選民或準選民的十項權利: 如果您是註冊選民,您就有權投票。如果您是美國公民、年滿18歲、居住在加州、已註冊成為選民,您就有權投票。例外情況是被判重罪目前被關押在加州或聯邦監獄中的受刑人,或被法院認定為精神上無投票行為能力者。 如果您是註冊選民,即使姓名不在名單上,您仍然有權投票。這裡的名單指的是註冊選民名單,即使您的姓名不在這份名單上,您也可以使用臨時選票投票。在確定您有資格投票後,您投下的選票就會被統計。 如果投票結束時您還在排隊等候投票,您仍然有權投票。如果您在投票結束前就加入投票隊伍,您就有權投票,但千萬不要脫隊。 您有不記名投票的權利。您要投票給誰是您的事,您有權保護您選票的隱私,擁有不受任何試圖影響您投票的人騷擾或恐嚇的權利,就算是投票站工作人員,也不能干涉您的投票方式或說服您他們必須在您投票時在旁觀看。 如果填寫出錯,您有獲得新選票的權利。如果填寫發生錯誤,但您還未投出選票,您可以向投票站的選舉官員索取一份新選票、或在選務處或投票站把您的郵寄選票更換為新選票、又或使用臨時選票。 您有獲得他人協助您投票的權利。是的,您有權尋求協助,但您的雇主或工會代表除外。不過,您不應被迫接受任何建議。 您有到任何投票站投遞填寫完成的郵寄選票的權利。您可以在加州任何一個投票站投遞選票。 您有權獲得用英語以外的語言寫成的選舉資料。加州要求每個縣都必須提供語言選擇。如果您所在的縣有足夠多的居民使用您的語言,您就有權要求一張以您的語言寫成的選票。語言選項因縣而異,部分涵蓋的語言包括西班牙語、中文、越南語、韓語、泰加祿語、旁遮普語(Punjabi)、苗語(Hmong)、敘利亞語、亞美尼亞語、波斯語和阿拉伯語。 您有權詢問選舉官員關於選舉程序的問題。如果您不確定如何投票,請詢問投票站選舉官員。如果這名官員無法回答您的問題,那麼,他們必須找到合適的人來回答您的問題。當您尋求協助時,請同時為其他選民著想。 您有權舉報任何非法或詐欺性選舉行為。如果您目睹有阻礙您或他人投票的行為,請向選舉官員或州務卿辦公室舉報。 加州的投票權保護範圍比其他許多州更廣泛。例如,內華達州、俄勒岡州、紐約州、佛羅里德州的權利法案並不包括提供郵寄選票或其他語言選項,新墨西哥州的權利法案不包括填錯可以要求更換選票。 邦塔和韋伯重申,他們的辦公室致力確保州長罷免選舉能安全進行,將對所有選民採取新冠防疫保護措施,同時保障所有選民投票的權利。 韋伯說:「為了確保即將到來的罷免選舉結果能反映出人民的意願,我和檢察長承諾,將保護每一位合格選民投票的權利,無論他們隸屬哪個政黨。」 邦塔說:「您就是第一道防線,其中很重要的就是要了解您在投票時擁有哪些權利。」 Jaya Padmanabhan was the editor of India Currents from 2012-16. She is...

As You Prepare to Vote in Recall Election, Know Your Rights, say California State Officials

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean. By Jaya Padmanabhan At a time when eighteen states have enacted 30 laws that will make it harder for...

SF Youth Contest – 2020 Census Deadline Extended to January 31, 2020!

The Youth Contest deadline for the 2020 Census has been extended to January 31, 2020. Please continue to submit. Follow directions at Flier-WHY MY...

Shifting The Sources Of Drinking Water In California

Water conservation and recycling efforts are needed as Colorado River water levels drop.

Immigrant Rights in Limbo

Between the Muslim ban, the separation of families, terminating DACA, public charge and ending temporary protections, the immigrant community has had to face serious challenges since President Trump assumed office.

From Womb to Tomb—LA County Offers ‘Oasis of Support’ to Immigrants

As the federal government continuously re-defines who is entitled to the rights and privileges of being American, L.A. County is an “oasis of services” for all its residents, regardless of immigrant status.

Trump Effect — Mid-terms a Turning Point for Asian American Voters

With a history of low voter engagement, Asian Americans have not been seen as an influential voting bloc. What is known as the Trump Effect appears to be changing that.

LA County Getting Ready to Deal with a Wet Winter, as Measure W Goes to the Voters

Measure W — the Safe Clean Water Parcel Tax — is a November ballot measure that could provide the funding to implement modern solutions to LA’s water problems.

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