Sunday, November 17, 2024

    Jenny Manrique

    James Webb es solo la punta del iceberg en la exploración espacial

    Los planes para devolver a los humanos a la Luna son uno de los próximos grandes esfuerzos tras el lanzamiento del telescopio de James Webb.

    Elecciones en California: Proposición 16 promete ser pieza clave contra el racismo estructural

    From left to right: Vincent Pan, Executive Director, Chinese for Affirmative Action, a community based social justice organization in San Francisco; Eva Paterson, President...

    Census Heroes

    Three profiles of the Census heroes, and their deep connection and work with the Hispanic community, keep on encouraging families to respond to the 2020 Census.

    Los Héroes del Censo

    Also available in English. Editor's note: LOS CAMPEONES DEL CENSO EN EL SUR DE TEXAS: CONTANDO HASTA LA HORA FINAL El sur de Texas, que se...

    A pesar de la COVID-19, artistas locales buscan cómo “levantar el espíritu” de sus comunidades

    Comedienne Kristina Wong, star of the one-woman show “Kristina Wong for Public Office,” is one of the newly unemployed out of the 5 million...

    En comunidades étnicas, “la ley y el orden” es la de los supremacistas blancos

    From left to right: Dr. Dorothy Johnson-Speight, Founder and National Executive Director, Mothers In Charge,Inc.; Michael German, Fellow, Brennan Center for Justice, Liberty and...

    Hambre en tiempos de pandemia: 14 millones de niños y niñas en EE UU no comen los alimentos que necesitan

    El número es cinco veces mayor que antes de la crisis del coronavirus. Y en las recientes convenciones demócrata y republicana nadie habló del...

    Hunger in the pandemic: 14 million children in the U.S. do not eat the foods they need

    The number is five times higher than before the coronavirus crisis. And at the recent Democratic and Republican conventions nobody spoke of the hunger...

    Elecciones 2020: 48 millones de estadounidenses han sido purgados de la lista de votación

    Clockwise from top left: Nathaniel Persily, Healthy Elections Project, Stanford University; Karthick Radakrishnan, Founder and Director, AAPI Data; Andrea Miller, Founder, Reclaim Our Vote;...

    COVID-19 vaccine will not arrive until 2021; experts expect a mental health social epidemic

    From left to right: Dr. Tung Nguyen, Professor of Medicine at UCSF; Dr. Nirav Shah, Senior Scholar at Stanford University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center;...

    Vacuna contra el COVID-19 no llegará hasta 2021; expertos anticipan una epidemia social de salud mental

    From left to right: Dr. Tung Nguyen, Professor of Medicine at UCSF; Dr. Nirav Shah, Senior Scholar at Stanford University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center;...

    La guerra de Trump contra inmigrantes no ha parado durante la pandemia

    From left to right: Kalpana Peddibhotla, Mathews Peddibhotla Law Group; Ignacia Rodriguez Kmec, National Immigration Law Center; and Sarah Pierce, Migration Policy Institute (All...

    Familias latinas en East Palo Alto pelean contra el desalojo en medio de la pandemia

    El 52% de los hogares en East Palo Alto son alquilados 350 hogares se unen para defender su derecho a la vivienda. El concejo extendió...

    COVID-19: ¿Cómo regresar a la escuela en medio de la pandemia?

    Clockwise from top left: Pedro Noguera, Dean, USC Rossier School of Education; Shaun R. Harper, Executive Director of the USC Race and Equity Center;...

    Censo 2020: Directiva de Trump no excluye el conteo de la comunidad inmigrante

    Pese al más reciente memo del presidente que busca no incluir a indocumentados en la redistribución de sillas del congreso, activistas por el Censo...

    COVID-19 agrava crisis de vivienda: millones se quedarán en la calle a partir de agosto

    Clockwise, from top left: Dr. Margot Kushel, executive director of the Center for Vulnerable Populations at the University of California, San Francisco; Nisha Vyas,...

    La Pandemia en Imperial: “Estamos perdiendo la guerra contra el COVID en nuestros vecindarios”

    Clockwise: Dr. Edward Flores, Assistant Professor of Sociology at UC Merced; Michelle Garcia, a nurse practitioner at the Calexico Wellness Center in Calexico; Luis...

    Inmigrantes no acceden a atención por COVID-19 por miedo a la carga pública

    Clockwise from top left: Connie Choi, Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign Field Manager and Strategist at the National Immigration Law Center; Luvia Quiñones, Health Policy...

    ¿Cómo construir un futuro más equitativo después del COVID-19?

    Clockwise from top left: Constance 'Connie Rice, co-founder and co-director of the Advancement Project; Marina Gorbis, Executive Director of the Institute for the Future;...

    COVID-19 and senior citizens: “The virus has spread like wildfire in nursing homes”

    Clockwise from top left: Dr. Charlene Harrington, gerontologist and professor of sociology and nursing at the University of California San Francisco; Dr. Farida Sohrabji,...

    COVID-19 y adultos mayores: “El virus se ha propagado como fuego en los asilos de ancianos”

    Clockwise from top left: Dr. Charlene Harrington, gerontologist and professor of sociology and nursing at the University of California San Francisco; Dr. Farida Sohrabji,...

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