Friday, March 14, 2025

Sunita Sohrabji

Sunita Sohrabji is the Health Editor at Ethnic Media Services.


加州老齡化總體規劃是一個 10 年藍圖,旨在解決當前老年人和殘疾人的不平等問題。

San Francisco Names Street to Honor ‘Grandpa Vicha’

The killing of Vicha Ratanapakdee in 2021 became a rallying cry for advocates denouncing the rising tide of anti-Asian hate.

What to Expect When You Have Covid

In the age of the Omicron variant, the majority of people infected with COVID-19 may experience symptoms. Here's what to expect.

El gobierno de Biden elimina la mayor parte de la norma de la carga pública, pero los inmigrantes siguen temiendo

Aunque la decisión elimina muchas de las restricciones impuestas por la anterior administración, muchos inmigrantes siguen temiendo recibir las prestaciones.

What Inclusion for All Means: California Embraces Master Plan for Older Adults

California’s Master Plan for Aging is a 10-year blueprint addressing current inequities for older adults and disabled people.

아시아계 미국인은 단일집단으로 취급받아선 안된다…전문가들, 의료보건 데이터 세분화 촉구 나서

옹호자들은 현재 건강 불균형을 해결하는 데 중요한 정보를 제외하고 AAPI 하위 민족에 대한 데이터를 분해하려는 시도가 없다고 말합니다.

美國亞裔並非龐大的單一群體  維權人士呼籲對其健康數據進行細分

倡導者表示,目前沒有嘗試分解 AAPI 亞種族的數據,而忽略了對解決健康差異至關重要的信息。

Asian Americans Are Not a Monolith, Say Advocates Urging for Disaggregated Health Data

Advocates say there is currently no attempt to disaggregate data for AAPI sub-ethnicities, leaving out information critical to resolving health disparities.

Biden Administration Guts Most of Public Charge Rule, But Immigrants Still Fearful

While the move lifts many of the restrictions imposed under the previous administration, many immigrants are still fearful of seeking benefits.

Even With Updated Boosters Complacency a Key Obstacle to Getting Vaccinated

Frontline experts say the updated boosters protect against older and newer variants of Covid-19 though many continue to put off receiving the new shots.

‘The Dirty Underbelly of American Life’ – Victims of Hate Share Their Stories

Two racially motivated attacks, one in Texas and another in California, highlight the increasingly complicated dynamics of hate in America.

Can Kids Safely Return To School Amid Ongoing COVID Pandemic?

As kids return to school this fall, parents have some homework to do: helping to keep their kids safe amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With...

Japanese American Artists Pay Homage to Ancestors Incarcerated at Internment Camps

Eighty years after the incarceration of 126,000 Japanese Americans at internment camps, Sansei Granddaughters, a group of women artists pay homage to their ancestors.

A Year After Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Refugees Struggle to Find Footing in US

There are now 76,000 refugees from Afghanistan who have resettled in the US, mostly in Northern California, Washington DC, Texas, and Washington state.

Lt. Murphy, Shot 15 Times, Recalls Massacre at Oak Creek Gurdwara

Murphy was the first to engage the shooter at the Oak Creek Gurdwara, making him an indelible part of Wisconsin's Sikh community.

Diversity a Challenge to Upping Vaccination Rates in California’s San Joaquin County

Local health officials are relying on community organizations to vaccinate the diverse communities that call this region of California home.

Everyday Ageism Impacts Physical and Emotional Health of Older Adults

Over 82 percent of adults over the age of 50 say they regularly experience one or more form of everyday ageism on a regular basis, studies show.

慵懶、朦朧、瘋狂的夏日已展開  但穿上泳衣戴上蛙鏡下水後要小心


여름 수영으로 지루한 일상 탈출, 하지만 수영복, 물안경과 함께 조심성도 잊지 말자

무더운 여름이 다가옴에 따라 일부 부모들은 코로나바이러스 감염이 증가하면서 자녀가 수영장으로 돌아갈 수 있을지 걱정하고 있습니다.

Despliega esos días relajados, vagos, locos de verano, pero ponte tu trajo de baño y los goggles con cuidado

Con la llegada del verano, los padres se preguntan si es seguro que sus hijos se metan en el agua, ya que las infecciones por Covid siguen aumentando.

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