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Sunita Sohrabji

Sunita Sohrabji is the Health Editor at Ethnic Media Services.

60 Years Later, Freedom of Speech Still Eludes College Students

Lynne Hollander Savio discusses the Free Speech Movement's 's relevance to students today expressing their support for Palestine.

올해 크리스마스에는 여행을 꿈꾼다

12월 연휴는 미국에서 1년중 가장 여행객 이동이 많은 시기이다. 연방교통안전청(Transportation Security Administration)에 따르면 지난해는 코로나19 확진건수 증가에도 불구하고 미국내 50-500마일 이내 여행 150억건이 이뤄졌다. 올해는...

Sueño con un Vuelo para Navidad

Las fiestas de diciembre son tradicionalmente la época del año cuando más viajan los residentes de EUA.

I’m Dreaming of a Flight this Christmas

Late last month, holiday travel concerns emerged afresh as a new Coronavirus variant known as Omicron was first identified by scientists in South Africa.

Senate Republicans Stall Confirmation of Muslim American SBA Nominee Dilawar Syed

For the fifth time, all GOP senators failed to show up for a vote.

백신 접종에 뒤처진 농업 노동자들 주 전체 추세를 보여주는 컨 카운티

캘리포니아주 컨 카운티의 농업종사자들은 이 주에서 가장 코로나 백신 접종률이 낮은 집단이다. 불안정한 주거환경, 식량 부족, 백신 접종소 부족, 소문 또는 소셜 미디어를 통해...

農民疫苗接種率落後程度最嚴重 肯恩縣的例子是加州趨勢的代表

受到缺乏固定住所、糧食、有限的接種地點、從他人和社群媒體獲得大量不實訊息的影響,肯恩縣(Kern County)農民的新冠疫苗接種率是加州最低的群體之一。 根據10月26日covidactnow.org網站上公布的美國衛生與福利部(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)、美國疾病防治中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)和官方的州與縣數據,肯恩縣目前已至少接種一劑疫苗的居民只有50.7%,而加州已至少接種一劑疫苗的居民超過74%,美國已至少接種一劑疫苗的居民有三分之二。 肯恩縣每日的新增病例將近38例,被視為非常高風險,住院病人和死亡人數在9月大量增加後,本月已稍微減少。 加州包括食品加工業在內的農業勞工新冠肺炎相關死亡率為全美第二高,僅次於倉庫勞工。加州農業勞動力主要由新移民組成,他們的平均年薪只有1萬4000元。 麥塞德加大(UC Merced)社會學副教授暨勞工與社區中心(Center on Labor and Community)共同主任佛羅雷斯(Edward Flores)說:「中谷在2020年是新冠肺炎重災區,農民的疫情相關死亡率比其他行業勞工要高得多。全美農民的疫苗接種率現在仍是最低。」 佛羅雷斯10月20日在少數族裔媒體服務中心(Ethnic Media Services)主辦、塞拉健康基金會中心(Center at the Sierra...

부스터샷을 접종받느냐, 받지 않느냐: 정답은 무엇인가?

부스터 접종은 모든 유형의 백신에 일반적입니다. 아동기 및 성인기에 접종하는 대부분의 백신은 특정 질병에 대한 신체의 최상의 면역성을 유지하기 위해 접종됩니다.


Covid-19 增强剂旨在增强随着时间的推移而减弱的免疫力。 疫苗加强剂很常见,许多儿童和成人疫苗系列都有加强剂,用于确保身体对感染疾病保持最佳免疫力。

Reforzar o no Reforzar: ¿Cuál es la Respuesta?

Las dosis de refuerzo de vacunas son muy comunes. Son parte de la mayoría de series de vacunas infantiles y de adultos para asegurar que una persona mantenga la inmunidad óptima contra la infección de una enfermedad.

Water, Water, Everywhere: But Only Temporarily for Hmong Farmers in Siskiyou County

Court injunction temporarily halted the County unfair water ordinances, inferring discrimination.

To Boost or Not to Boost: What is the Answer?

Booster doses of vaccines are very common. They are part of most childhood and adult vaccine series to ensure a person maintains optimal immunity from a disease.

AG Workers Lag Furthest Behind In Vaccinations

Kern County highlights statewide trends.

Grandparents May Hold Key to Overcoming COVID Vaccine Hesitancy in Black Community

Black seniors who themselves are vaccinated could be the trusted messengers the community needs to get the Covid vaccination.

Pandemic Continues to Take Major Toll, Despite Effective Vaccines: Q/A with the CDC

The Covid-19 pandemic is continuing to take a major toll, despite the availability of proven mitigation measures and very effective vaccines, said four subject...


University of California San Francisco pulmonologist Dr. John BalmesAlso available in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean By SUNITA SOHRABJI/EMS Contributing Editor Thousands of COVID-19 cases and deaths...


Dr. Tiffani Jenae Johnson, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician, UC Davis Children's HospitalSUNITA SOHRABJI報導/Ethnic Media Services 戴維斯加大兒童醫療中心(UC Davis Children’s Health Center)小兒科醫師強森(Tiffani Johnson)7月30日在少數族裔媒體服務中心(Ethnic Media Services)舉辦的新聞發布會上表示,由於美國低收入少數族裔居民在獲得服務和取得訊息方面存在障礙,所以許多人還未接種新冠疫苗,卻被不公平歸咎是造成最近新冠病例激增的原因。 強森說:「他們在獲得醫療服務方面存在許多障礙,在獲得疫苗接種方面也存在同樣的障礙。」強森是這場新聞發布會請到的四位嘉賓之一,會議主要討論現有疫苗對抗美國目前最主要病毒株delta變種病毒的效力。 強森說:「有些政治人物毫不遮掩地說,隨著疫情不斷惡化,現在是開始責怪未接種疫苗者的時候了。然而,在新冠病例持續激增之際,實際狀況要比光是用手指指著未接種疫苗者斥責要微妙得多。」 凱瑟家庭基金會(Kaiser Family Foundation)7月21日提出的報告指出,超過68%的美國人口已經至少接種一劑輝瑞(Pfizer)或莫德納(Moderna)疫苗,或是已接種單劑嬌生(Johnson...

Las razones por las que satanizar a los no vacunados no funcionará

Dr. Tiffani Jenae Johnson, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician, UC Davis Children's HospitalPor SUNITA SOHRABJI/EMS Editora colaboradora Las minorías de bajos ingresos en EUA, muchos de...


From left to right: Monica Gandhi MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine and Associate Division Chief, Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at...

Why Demonizing the Unvaccinated Won’t Work

Dr. Tiffani Jenae Johnson, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician, UC Davis Children's HospitalAlso available in Spanish and Chinese. By SUNITA SOHRABJI/EMS Contributing Editor Low-income minorities in the...

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