Saturday, February 22, 2025

Viji Sundaram

Domestic Violence Abusers May No Longer Be Able to Track Their Partners With Their Apps

Cases of vehicle technology-enabled stalking and other forms of harassment are on the rise. A new California bill seeks to address the issue.

High Court Ruling Upholds Law Disarming Domestic Violence Abusers

In an 8-to-1 ruling, the justices upheld the constitutionality of a federal law that makes it a crime for a person under a restraining order in a domestic violence case from owning firearms.

Court Reporter Shortage Limits Justice in Domestic Violence Cases

The lack of transcripts in family court makes winning appeals harder for low-income litigants. Advocates say the lives of abused women and their children are at risk.

“나는 스스로 생각하는 것도 허락받지 못했다”: 정신적 가정폭력 처벌에 나선 캘리포니아주 법원

남부 캘리포니아의 한 판사는 자녀 양육권과 접근 금지 명령을 구하는 여성들에게 유리하게 균형을 맞추기 위해 고안된 새로운 주법을 수용했습니다.

‘No se me permitía tener mis propios pensamientos’: Los tribunales de California empiezan a penalizar por el abuso doméstico psicológico

Un juez del sur de California adoptó una nueva ley estatal destinada a inclinar la balanza a favor de las mujeres que solicitan la custodia de los hijos y las órdenes de alejamiento.

「我不被允許擁有自己的想法」  加州法院開始懲處家庭精神暴力


‘I Was Not Allowed to Have My Own Thoughts’: California Courts Start Penalizing Domestic Abuse

A judge in Southern California embraced a new state law designed to tip the balance in favor of women seeking child custody and restraining orders.

캘리포니아의 강압적 지배 방지법, 학대받는 배우자 돕는다

Blanca는 남편으로부터 수십 년 동안 심리적 학대를 겪었습니다. 남편의 행동은 전문가들이 강압적 통제라고 부르는 학대 범주에 속합니다.

Cómo la Ley de Control Coercitivo de California podría ayudar a las mujeres manipuladas por sus parejas

Blanca sufrió décadas de maltrato psicológico por parte de su marido, cuyos comportamientos entran en una categoría de maltrato que los expertos denominan control coercitivo.



How California’s Coercive Control Law Could Help Women Manipulated by Partners

Blanca suffered decades of psychological abuse from her husband, whose behaviors fall under a category of abuse experts call coercive control.

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