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HomeClosing the Health Equity Gap

Closing the Health Equity Gap

How Medi-Cal is Closing Health Access Gaps

Although California reached its lowest uninsured rate in 2022, health care access remains a challenge for many low-income people and people of color.

In a National First, Medi-Cal is Helping Unhoused Californians

In the nation’s most ambitious effort to address social needs, a $12 billion Medi-Cal initiative now provides services for the unhoused.

How Medi-Cal is Bringing Care to Unhoused Californians

May 2 | This briefing features DHCS leaders, community providers and health care workers sharing how they’re using Medi-Cal to help Californians experiencing homelessness and housing instability lead healthier lives.

One Year After Medi-Cal Renewals, Health Care Expanded for Californians

A year ago, with the end of the federal COVID emergency, California started redetermining eligibility for the one out of three of its residents on Medi-Cal.

How Medi-Cal is Being Transformed for One-Third of Californians

California is on the national front lines of public health, transforming Medi-Cal to include services well beyond the doctor’s office.

Medi-Cal’s Impact After Redetermination: How Californians Can Renew Coverage

Apr 16 | A DHCS expert shares data on redetermination's impact on Medi-Cal and future plans. The director of an LA County clinic discusses helping recipients maintain coverage. Three individuals share stories about Medi-Cal's importance to their families.

Transforming Medi-Cal — Bringing Quality Care to Communities

The DHCS discuss the Medi-Cal transformation and its multi-year initiative to create a better system of care. Community providers and healthcare workers will share insights on implementing EMC, Community Supports, and bridging health information gaps.

Connecting Farmworkers to Healthcare in California’s Rural North

Promotoras have emerged as an essential piece in California’s ambitious plan to deliver healthcare to all residents regardless of immigration status. 

Health Coverage for Youngest Kids: California Brings Danger to a Head

What happens when our most vulnerable generation — children between birth and age five — don’t have access to health care? 

Ensuring the Youngest Kids Get Continuous Health Care Coverage

In this briefing, we focus on the importance of continuous health coverage for children ages 0-5, how gaps in health coverage and issues with Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) renewals affect families, and the potential impact of both nationwide.

News Briefings


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