Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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Trump Sends Chilling Message to Immigrants Declaring English Official Language

"The message being sent to immigrant communities is that we don't belong, and that we should have no expectation of getting assistance from the Government." - Marita Etcubanez, AAAJ/AAJC

Realizing the American Dream for All Requires Bold Policy Reforms

Many American workers are generationally poor, because of their race, gender, immigration status, or choice of occupation. Better policy can create more equitable wages.

Liz Glenn’s Career Advocacy for Human Settlements

Glenn has spent her career fighting for the right to housing, which she says encompasses and embraces far more than the physicality of shelter.

‘We Are So Much More Than Our Memories of War’

‘Planting SEADS - Knowing Our Joy’ is an anthology of first-person stories from Khmer, Laotian, Viet, and Hmong refugees.

’It’s Not What We Expected’ Say Latinos of Biden’s New Plans to Protect Undocumented Immigrants

The President sees himself in trouble with his traditional base of supporters and is trying to win them back, say critics.

How Would Trump’s Immigration Plan Change the U.S.?

In his first presidential term, Donald Trump obstructed asylum, imposed a “Muslim Ban,” undermined Temporary Protected Status, terminated DACA and separated families at the border. This time, his immigration plans are even more ambitious.

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Dies at 93

Mays was a central figure in defining the Black experience of overcoming the oppressive demonization of African descendants  in the Jim Crow South and the rejection of systemic racism by embodying and reflecting Black excellence as he grew into manhood.

Genocide Trial in Guatemala Puts Nation’s Tortured Past in Stark Relief

Conviction would be a step forward in an uneven, ongoing effort to bring justice for war crimes committed during Guatemala’s armed internal conflict between 1960 and 1996.

Barriers to Alzheimer’s Care for Rural Californians

With Alzheimer’s now the second-leading cause of death for people in California, barriers to treatment are more harmful than ever.

Asian American History is US History, So Why Don’t Schools Teach It?

More than 150 years after the first major wave of Asian immigration to the United States, knowledge of AAPI history across the country is severely lacking.

Trump Will Likely Reinvoke Public Charge Rule

Immigration experts say there will be panic and fear in the immigrant community as Trump uses public charge on the campaign trail to gain support for his anti-immigrant policies.

How Climate Change is Worsening the Home Affordability Crisis

As climate change worsens, so does the home affordability crisis as insurers raise rates, withdraw coverage and underpay damages.

Climate Change is the Greatest Public Health Challenge of Our Time

Exposure to extreme temperatures can lead to serious illness and death, and the risks for people who are pregnant and those with pre-existing conditions like asthma or diabetes, are even greater.

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