Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Khalil Abdullah

Khalil Abdullah is Contributing Editor for Ethnic Media Services. He joined New America Media as its first Director in the Washington D.C. office. He has also served as the Lead Facilitator and Editor of the Beat Within, Washington D.C. edition, and Managing Editor of the Washington Afro-American Newspaper.

Liz Glenn’s Career Advocacy for Human Settlements

Glenn has spent her career fighting for the right to housing, which she says encompasses and embraces far more than the physicality of shelter.

Activists Win Voting Rights for Black Alabamians

Evan Milligan, who won a Supreme Court ruling for Black Alabamian voters, says he was initially skeptical about the legal battle.

Ben Jealous on the ‘Insanity of Race’ in America

Ben Jealous’ newest book dissects the disastrous assumptions about the nature and identities of perpetrators of heinous deeds.

As Louisville Becomes More Diverse, So Do the Scams

At a recent forum, community leaders in Louisville shared their experience with the growing number and variety of scams impacting residents.

Make Up Your Mind — Voting Rights Activists Look Beyond Supreme Ct. to People Power

Voting rights advocates rallied in Washington DC this week ahead of a SCOTUS hearing that could further erode federal protections for fair voting laws.

Lawsuits Challenge Second Class Citizenship Status in Southern States

A quartet of human rights and community advocates from Alabama and Louisiana met recently to reflect on the challenges to achieving equity and fairness.  

‘When We Fight, We Win’ — A Clarion Call For Fair Redistricting in Mississippi

A groundswell of civic engagement is emerging across communities in Mississippi in response to congressional maps that marginalize voters of color.

Exodus Lending: An Escape Route for Victims of Predatory Loans

Recurring utility bills, rising rents, and now the specter of inflation, often make the easy availability of payday loans too enticing to forgo.

2022 Yields Best Statehouse Redistricting Maps in Pennsylvania’s History

A coalition of community advocacy organizations has achieved remarkable success in securing fairer voting representation for Pennsylvania communities.

FTC to Minnesotans: Everyone Has a Scam Story — Now’s the Time to Tell It

The scale of consumer fraud in the United States is staggering, topping $5.8 billion in 2021, much of it impacting communities of color.

Florida Governor Locks Horns with Multi-Faith Communities Over Maps

"We have a responsibility to remind officials they work for us," says Rev. Rhonda Thomas. "If you can’t do your job, then maybe you should be unemployed.”

Not Too Soon to Engage in Census 2030

Census 2020 seems to have sustained the attention of a broader swath of America’s public than any census in recent memory.

2020 Census Undercount 2nd Highest Since 1950 — Native Americans, Blacks, Latinos Pay Highest Cost

The agency will be translating all written materials into the 15 most-used languages in the state and adding more interpreters to its phone lines.

For Georgia’s Youth, ‘Maps are Our Future’

Youth activists in Georgia say attacks on the franchise are playing out in the state's current redistricting process.

Supreme Court’s Stay Delivers Gut Punch to Fair Redistricting in Alabama

SCOTUS delivered a major blow to voting rights advocates when it stayed a lower court’s ruling ordering Alabama to redraw its legislative districts.



선거구 재조정 공청회가 한창 진행중인 루이지애나주

공청회는 본래 이해관계, 사회적 조직, 지리적 경계선 등 선거구 재조정과 관련해 주민들과 커뮤니티의 의견을 듣기 위한 것이다.

El Espectáculo Ambulante de la redistribución de los distritos electorales en Luisiana pasa el punto intermedio

El comité de la legislatura de Luisiana sobre la redistribución de los distritos electorales solo tiene cuatro audiencias públicas más en lugares geográficamente claves alrededor del estado.

Louisiana’s Redistricting Roadshow Passes Halfway Mark

The Roadshow is designed to seek public input on how residents perceive and identify their communities; their interests, social affiliations, and geographical boundaries.

Desde Decepciones a Demandas Sobre Los Nuevos Mapas de Redistribución de los Distritos Electorales de Alabama

El 3 de noviembre, la legislatura estatal de Alabama aprobó nuevos mapas que fijaron los límites para los distritos congresales y estatales basados en...

From Disappointments to Lawsuits over Alabama’s New Redistricting Maps

Even though Alabama has a Black voting age population of 25.9 percent, only one of the seven congressional districts affords African Americans the opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice. 

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