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Mary Jo McConahay

Genocide Trial in Guatemala Puts Nation’s Tortured Past in Stark Relief

Conviction would be a step forward in an uneven, ongoing effort to bring justice for war crimes committed during Guatemala’s armed internal conflict between 1960 and 1996.

Los guatemaltecos celebran la llegada del nuevo Presidente Arévalo con grandes expectativas

En una región donde la autocracia va en aumento, la ascensión de Bernardo Arévalo esta semana en Guatemala se considera un golpe para la democracia.

High Hopes as Guatemalans Celebrate New President

In a region where autocracy is rising, Bernardo Arevalo’s ascension in Guatemala this week is being seen as striking a blow for democracy.

In the Texas Desert, a WWII Era Internment Camp Unites Asians, Latinos

Survivors of the State Department operation called “Quiet Passages” returned to the grounds of this erstwhile concentration camp just 35 miles from the Mexican border.

Queremos hacernos visibles — Nuevos líderes surgen en defense de la democracia guatemalteca

Líderes vecinales, dirigentes de grupos estudiantiles, asociaciones de aldeas y organizaciones indígenas están desafiando a la corrupta clase política guatemalteca.

‘We Want to Become Visible’ – New Leaders Rise to Defend Guatemala’s Democracy

Neighborhood leaders, heads of student groups and village associations, and indigenous organizations are challenging Guatemala's corrupt political establishment.

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