Sunday, December 22, 2024


California’s Community Health Clinics Face Deep Budget Cuts

California’s community health clinics, a critical lifeline for low-income residents, are facing possible budget cuts in 2025.

낮은 백신 접종률로 고민하고 있는 버트 카운티

코로나19로 큰 타격을 입은 캘리포니아주 북부 버트 카운티 주민들은 보건의료당국의 부스터샷 접종 노력에도 불구하고 여전히 백신에 대한 불신을 감추지 못하고 있다.


試圖提高北加州布特縣(Butte County)新冠疫苗接種率的衛生官員,正在說服當地遭受野火重創、對政府抱持懷疑態度的人口。

On the Record with Governor Gavin Newsom: California Continues to Lead the Fight...

After a year of working with the federal government, local public health and community partners, millions of Californians are protected from Covid 19.

El Condado de Butte lucha contra las bajas tasas de vacunación

Con apenas la mitad de sus 227,000 personas vacunadas, el condado está a más de 20 puntos porcentuales por detrás de la tasa de vacunación general del estado.

Butte County Battles Low Vaccination Rate

With barely half of its 227,000 people vaccinated, the county is more than 20 percentage points behind the state’s overall vaccination rate.

Beating Holiday Blues in COVID Era

L.A. County offers mental health aid, urges trying it.

Voting Rights is the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time

Three different proposals to strengthen and create nationwide standards on voting are all stalled in Congress.

Latino GDP in US Ranks 8th in the World – New Report Contradicts...

A new report indicates that Latinos in the U.S. are performing economically far beyond expectations, contradicting long-held stereotypes.

Water, Water, Everywhere: But Only Temporarily for Hmong Farmers in Siskiyou County

Court injunction temporarily halted the County unfair water ordinances, inferring discrimination.

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