Friday, January 24, 2025

Mark Hedin

Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, the East Bay Times, Central City Extra, and SF State’s Golden Gater, as well as other papers.

Congress ‘Has a Role to Play’ in Setting National Voting Rights Standards

A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.

Encuesta revela que los padres en Florida quieren que sean expertos quienes den forma a la educación

La encuesta encontró que el 92% de los padres de Florida quieren que los planes de estudios de las escuelas públicas sean decididos por “profesionales de la educación”.

Poll Finds Nearly All Florida Parents Want Experts, Not Politicians Shaping Education

The poll by the Southern Poverty Law Center found 92% of Floridian parents want public school curricula decided on by “education professionals.”

Southern States a ‘Breeding Ground’ for Hard Right Legislation

At a mid-March briefing, organizers and advocates from across the South described a "relentless onslaught of legislation" targeting marginalized communities.

Capacitación en línea gratuita para personal de atención médica a domicilio de California

Si le está costando cuidar de sus amigos o familiares ancianos o con discapacidades, CalGrows tiene cientos de clases gratis – y de pago – en línea o en persona que le ayudarán.

Free Online Training for California Home Health Workers Ending Soon

EMS | If you’re struggling to care for elderly or disabled friends or family, CalGrows has hundreds of free — and paying — online or in-person classes to help.



캘리포니아 가정 간병인을 위한 무료 온라인 훈련 프로그램, 곧 종료 예정

노인 및 장애인 간병에 어려움을 겪는 사람들을 위해, 캘그로스는 수백가지 무료, 또는 유료 온라인, 대면 수업을 제공한다.

California Considers ‘Tuition-Free Bachelor’s Degrees’

AB2093 would allow California's 116 community colleges to forgive tuition and fees for low-income California resident students as they pursue a four-year degree.

New Voting Maps Expand Representation in Southern States

Across the U.S. South, reluctant state legislatures are falling in line with rulings, by even conservative courts, that their voting systems unfairly sideline minority voters.

Going to Vote, Going to Church? In Alabama, Don’t Rely on Public Transit

Alabama is among just a handful of states where public transit is paid for not by the state but cities and counties, according to their ability and willingness to pay for it.

Paving the Way for Medi-Cal Expansion in Bakersfield

As Medi-Cal expands to include all undocumented Californians in 2024, vulnerable populations shared their experience of seeking coverage at a Bakersfield briefing.

Storms are On the Way. Are Californians Prepared?

With an El Niño weather pattern promising wetter wets and hotter hots, California's Office of Emergency Services and Listos California are urging residents to stay safe and be prepared.

La FTC reduce barreras lingüísticas para combatir a los estafadores

A partir de este otoño, la Iniciativa de Acceso a las Lenguas de la FTC ampliará sus servicios para incluir al menos una docena de nuevas lenguas.

FTC Scales Language Barriers to Battle Scammers

As of this fall, the FTC's Language Access Initiative will expand its services to include up to a dozen new languages.

No se deje engañar: PG&E advierte a sus clientes para que no caigan en estafas

Los estafadores han desplumado a decenas de miles de clientes de PG&E por millones de dólares en los últimos años, según las autoridades.

Don’t Be Fooled: PG&E Warns Customers Not to Fall for Scams

Scammers have fleeced tens of thousands of PG&E customers for millions of dollars in just the past few years, officials say.



¿Necesita ayuda con su estatus de inmigración? Inscríbase en un colegio comunitario

Un programa pionero en California está ayudando a estudiantes y profesores a navegar por el largo y a menudo complicado sistema de inmigración, de forma gratuita e independientemente de su situación.

이민법 관련 도움이 필요한가요? 커뮤니티 칼리지에 등록하세요

캘리포니아 주가 도입한 획기적인 프로그램은, 이민 신분에 상관없이 학생과 교직원들이 복잡하고 오랜 기간이 걸리는 이민법 문제를 해결할수 있도록 무료로 돕는다.

Need Help With Immigration? Enroll in Community College

A groundbreaking program in California is helping students and faculty navigate the lengthy and often labyrinthine immigration system, free of charge and regardless of status.

News Briefings

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