Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeTagDomestic abuse

domestic abuse

Annual Vigil Puts Spotlight on Domestic Violence Survivors

Due to funding cuts, California lacks resources to support survivors of domestic violence, who often end up homeless or incarcerated.

Asian Teens Say Dating Violence a Taboo Topic at Home

Culture and language are among the barriers that prevent many Asian American teens from openly discussing dating violence with their parents.

Collateral Damage: the Forgotten Victims of Domestic Violence

'Children are carrying that inter-generational trauma and the cycle of abuse forward. It's only when we care for them now that we have a chance of breaking the cycle and not letting it perpetuate further.'

California Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer Proposes $50 Million in State Budget for Domestic Violence...

The budget request will help dozens of organizations working to prevent DV in the state, though it may be difficult to fill as California faces a $22.5 billion budget deficit.

‘No se me permitía tener mis propios pensamientos’: Los tribunales de California empiezan...

Un juez del sur de California adoptó una nueva ley estatal destinada a inclinar la balanza a favor de las mujeres que solicitan la custodia de los hijos y las órdenes de alejamiento.

「我不被允許擁有自己的想法」  加州法院開始懲處家庭精神暴力


‘I Was Not Allowed to Have My Own Thoughts’: California Courts Start Penalizing...

A judge in Southern California embraced a new state law designed to tip the balance in favor of women seeking child custody and restraining orders.

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