Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeTagEthnic Media

Ethnic Media

Survey Highlights Endurance of Ethnic Media Sector

The enduring resilience of California's ethnic media sector offers a powerful counter narrative to those who argue that local journalism is on its deathbed.

Russians in California Become Targets of Hate

The war in Ukraine has led to an increase in attacks and verbal assaults targeting the state's Russian-speaking population.

Spanish Language Daily La Opinión on Its Coverage of LA City Council Scandal

Following criticism from the Oaxacan community, the paper's editor says its coverage of the scandal has sought to capture all voices.

2022 Midterm Election Essentials for Ethnic Media Journalists

A primer on new federal election rules, new voting district maps and resources for tracking the confusing array of changes ahead of the Nov. elections.

Arab Americans Gain Greater Visibility With Designation of Little Arabia

The designation is the culmination of more than two decades of lobbying to gain recognition for the growing Arab American community in Orange County.

‘They Are Very Cunning’ — Editor of Burmese Paper in LA Fears Dark...

Thakhin Kai Bwor, editor of the Mynamar Gazette, says the execution of four prodemocracy activists suggests more violence ahead for the troubled country.

SB 911 Would Drive a Stake in the Heart of California’s Ethnic Media

SB 911 would dedicate $25 million in state funds to local and ethnic journalism. It would also stab the independent ethnic media sector in the heart. 

It Matters Who Tells the Story

Feet in 2 Worlds, the journalistic project that has brought hundreds of immigrant voices and stories to all Americans.

A Woman’s Choice Not to Publish

For India Currents publisher Vandana Kumar, the leaked SCOTUS opinion brought back memories of an earlier experience involving a woman’s right to choose.

California Black Media Brings New Lens to Sacramento Shootings

The shootings reflect what is happening in Black neighborhoods across California and embody two principal concerns, crime and gun violence.

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