Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jenny Manrique

Así se promueven las vacunas en la California rural

Clockwise from top left: Melody Cannon-Cutts, Public Health Program Manager, Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services; Terry Supahan, Executive Director, Del...

Promoting Vaccines in Rural California

Clockwise from top left: Melody Cannon-Cutts, Public Health Program Manager, Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services; Terry Supahan, Executive Director, Del...

소수민족 인구 증가세, 선거구 재획정에 반영돼야 한다

이번 센서스 조사 결과 소수민족 인구가 미국 전체 인구의 거의 40%를 차지할 정도로 성장했음이 밝혀졌다. 반면 백인 인구는 2010년에 비해 500만명이 줄어들었다.

少數族裔人口不斷成長 其政治代表權有賴選區重劃決定


Minorías Crecen y se Juegan su Representación en la Redistribución de Distritos

Los resultados del censo revelaron el crecimiento de los grupos minoritarios que componen casi el 40% de la población del país. Hoy hay 5 millones menos de blancos caucásicos que en 2010.

As Minorities Grow, Their Representation Relies on Redistricting

The census results revealed the growth of minority groups that make up almost 40% of the country's population. Today there are 5 million fewer white Caucasians than in 2010.

Nueva moratoria de desalojo: ¿salvará a inquilinos y propietarios?

From left to right: Juan Pablo Garnham, Audience and Community Engagement Editor, Eviction Lab, Princeton University; Dr. Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Principal Investigator and Leader, Social...

Will Eviction Moratorium Save Renters and Landlords?

From left to right: Juan Pablo Garnham, Audience and Community Engagement Editor, Eviction Lab, Princeton University; Dr. Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Principal Investigator and Leader, Social...

캘리포니아 국무장관이 설명하는 주지사 주민소환투표의 모든 것

Dr. Shirley N. Weber, California Secretary of State셜리 내쉬 웨버 캘리포니아 국무장관이 오는 9월 14일 열리는 주지사 주민소환 투표의 모든 것을 상세히 설명했다. 제니 만리크,...

“Reconocemos que muchos estudiantes han experimentado el trauma de la pandemia”: superintendente Thurmond

Tony Thurmond, California Superintendent of Public InstructionEl superintendente de Instrucción Pública de California dijo que a la par con el uso obligatorio de máscaras,...

“We recognize that many students have experienced the trauma of the pandemic”: Superintendent Tony Thurmond

Tony Thurmond, California Superintendent of Public InstructionAlso available in Spanish. The California Superintendent of Public Instruction said that in tandem with a mask mandate, massive...

백신 미접종자들을 위한 백신 접종 커뮤니티 홍보 활동은 계속된다

From left to right: Kim McCoy Wade, Director, California Department of Aging; Irma R. Muñoz, Founder and Executive Director, Mujeres de la Tierra; Esperanza...

Seis Meses Después, las Políticas de Inmigración de Biden Ofrecen Resultados Mixtos

Aunque muchas directivas de la era Trump han sido reversadas, la frontera y el interior lucen muy diferentes para los inmigrantes en el país.

Six Months in, a Mixed Outcome of Biden’s Immigration Policies

Although many of Trump's era directives have been reversed, the border and the interior tell a different tale for immigrants in the country.


Dr. Shirley N. Weber, California Secretary of State州務卿對9月14日決定民主黨州長去留的選舉做出詳細解釋 Jenny Manrique報導/Ethnic Media Services 加州即將於9月14日舉行針對州長紐森(Gavin Newsom)的罷免選舉,如果超過半數的選民投票贊成剝奪他的權力,那麼,同日就會從46名經過認證的候選人中選出一位新州長。 在面對新冠疫情、野火、破紀錄乾旱之際,24名共和黨員、9名民主黨員、2名綠黨黨員、1名自由黨員和10名無黨派人士將在這場公投中角逐紐森的州長大位。 加州州務卿韋伯(Shirley Nash Weber)在少數族裔媒體服務中心(Ethnic Media Services)舉辦的說明會上說:「這應該是一場我們很久沒有看到過的重要選舉,不僅是因為它含有可能選出新州長的含意,也因為它將向全國傳達關於加州政治的訊息。」 在這份包括家庭主婦、大學生、前公務員在內的認證候選人名單中,知名度最高的是共和黨的奧運金牌得主詹納(Caitlyn Jenner)和保守派電台主持人艾德(Larry Elder),民主黨則是擁有160萬粉絲的個人理財網紅帕佛拉斯(Kevin Kevin Paffrath)。 韋伯是加州首位非裔州務卿,她於2021年1月29日接替前州務卿、現任參議員帕迪亞(Alex Padilla)上任。她表示,這場選舉可能耗費4億美元,對只需要收集12%選民的簽名就可召開的選舉來說「極其昂貴」。 其他州召開罷免選舉的門檻是至少需要收集30%選民的簽名,有些州甚至根本不存在罷免選舉這個選項。自1913年以來,加州發動過55次罷免州長行動,唯一成功的是2003年,55.4%的選民支持罷免戴維斯(Gray Davis),選出共和黨的史瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)繼任州長。 韋伯說:「選舉結束之後,我計畫組成一個兩黨小組來檢視我們的州長罷免程序,因為這個門檻(要求罷免的選民比例)實在太低了。」 對於共和黨因為無法在藍州贏得選舉所以推動罷免的說法,韋伯說:「可能是真的,這可能就是為何在加州可以看到罷免選舉,在其他州只能看到壓制選民的立法。」 韋伯表示,她已經請幕僚列出一份地方層級的罷免活動清單,例如縣議員、市議員和學區委員。 韋伯的雙親是吉姆克勞(Jim Crow)種族隔離時期阿肯色州的佃農,她在三歲時和家人搬到加州。韋伯說,她的父母從來沒有機會註冊參與投票,她的祖父母在頒布《1965年選舉法案》(Voting Rights...

社區成員面對面宣導 說服民眾接種新冠疫苗

From left to right: Kim McCoy Wade, Director, California Department of Aging; Irma R. Muñoz, Founder and Executive Director, Mujeres de la Tierra; Esperanza...

COVID-19: Líderes comunitarios en California buscan persuadir a los no vacunados

From left to right: Kim McCoy Wade, Director, California Department of Aging; Irma R. Muñoz, Founder and Executive Director, Mujeres de la Tierra; Esperanza...

Face-to-face outreach by community members persuades the unvaccinated

From left to right: Kim McCoy Wade, Director, California Department of Aging; Irma R. Muñoz, Founder and Executive Director, Mujeres de la Tierra; Esperanza...

Lo que necesita saber sobre la revocatoria del gobernador Newsom

Dr. Shirley N. Weber, California Secretary of StateLa secretaria del estado Shirley Nash Weber explicó los detalles de los comicios del 14 de septiembre...


Dr. Shirley N. Weber, California Secretary of StateAlso available in Spanish, Chinese. and Korean Secretary of State Shirley Nash Weber explained the nuts and bolts...

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