Saturday, March 15, 2025


Oakland Chinatown Looks for New Leaders to Survive — Fear of Crime a Top Priority

Fighting persistent crime and a struggling economy, Oakland's Chinatown is looking to new leadership with a vacant seat on the City Council.

Lawsuits Hope to Extinguish Racist Gerrymandering in Multiple States

Voting rights advocates have brought an array of lawsuits in states across the country to stop what they say is an attempt to "rig democracy."

A ‘World We Have Not Seen’ — Ukraine War Raises Threat of Nuclear Conflict

The world is confronting the threat of nuclear armed conflict the likes of which has not been seen since the end of the Cold War.

A Woman’s Choice Not to Publish

For India Currents publisher Vandana Kumar, the leaked SCOTUS opinion brought back memories of an earlier experience involving a woman’s right to choose.

Alito Opinion Could Usher in New Jane Crow Era

The likely undoing of Roe v. Wade has grave consequences for reproductive care. But Alito’s 98-page opinion shows other hard-won rights are imperiled.

Gerrymandered by Redistricting — AAPI Advocates in Texas’ Harris County Vow to Make Up for Lost Ground

While the AAPI population in Texas' Harris County has quadrupled in recent decades, new congressional maps diminish their voting power.

Florida Governor Locks Horns with Multi-Faith Communities Over Maps

"We have a responsibility to remind officials they work for us," says Rev. Rhonda Thomas. "If you can’t do your job, then maybe you should be unemployed.”

Confronting Disinformation in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

OpEd/By Christine Chen, Executive Director of APIAVote Misinformation and disinformation are one of the great challenges facing Asian American and Pacific Islander communities today. They...

New Book Examines Pandemic’s Toll on Global Freedom

Under the guise of public health, governments worldwide leveraged the global health crisis to aggrandize state power at the expense of individual liberty.

Vicar of Orlando Churches Blasts Florida Governor DeSantis for Redistricting Maneuver

"The governor is treating us like this is a plantation and he is a mini-king," said Father José Rodríguez of Orlando's Jesus of Nazareth Episcopal Church.

Q&A: ‘For Ukraine, From Overseas Vietnamese with Love’

Shortly after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the largest Vietnamese broadcaster outside Vietnam launched a campaign to aid refugees from the war.

Not Too Soon to Engage in Census 2030

Census 2020 seems to have sustained the attention of a broader swath of America’s public than any census in recent memory.

Tijuana Sees Sharp Increase in Ukrainian Refugees Seeking Entry into U.S.

Some 2,000 Ukrainians are currently being sheltered in Tijuana as they wait to enter the US amid Russia's ongoing invasion of their country.

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