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HomeNews BriefingsSchool Bullying: How it Fuels a Culture of Hate

School Bullying: How it Fuels a Culture of Hate

Was Live Fri, Oct 27, 2023 | 11 am PT

Guest Speakers:

Event Overview

Bullying in school seems almost an inevitable part of coming of age. Youth who are victims of bullying or have bullied others are often hesitant to share their experiences and seek help in healing. But the impact of bullying can last for years, even decades.

At a time when racial and ethnic relations are on edge and ever-more polarizing, and social media posts encourage anonymous cyber bullying, this week’s briefing will examine what’s happening with bullying in schools today, who the prime targets and perpetrators are, and to what extent bullying incubates a culture of hate in the wider society. Speakers include a civil rights expert, community youth justice workers, and a writer/journalist who documented two specific cases.

Presented by Ethnic Media Services

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