Saturday, February 22, 2025


Disaggregated Data is America’s Super Power: It’s Crucial to be Counted

Disaggregated data could play a major role in resolving the US’s health care inequities, revealing new information about diverse populations.

House Weighs Bill That Would Add Citizenship Question to 2030 Census

H.R. 7109, dubbed The Equal Representation Act, has sparked intense reactions among civil rights advocates and census experts alike.

How Community Votes Make Political Change

As the U.S. electorate grows more diverse, mobilizing historically marginalized voters is more politically decisive than ever this election year.

Census Bureau Funding Still in GOP Sights Despite Latest Spending Bill

Proposed cuts to Census Bureau funding threaten to harm low-income and immigrant communities that continue to be undercounted in the decennial census.

The Mouse That Roared – Census Director Rob Santos Meets with Houston Ethnic...

US Census Bureau Director Rob Santos met with ethnic media in Houston to share how the agency is working to better track the nation's growing diversity.

Toward a More Perfect Union — California Aims Higher to Ensure Voting Rights

Two measures now making their way through the State Assembly aim to improve how California draws new district maps to ensure more participatory elections.

The Single Most Important Case on American Democracy

Across the political spectrum, an upcoming Supreme Court case has observers worried about the fate of the U.S. political system.

When they Get to Vote, Native Americans Swing Elections

Native American voters “have the power to swing a host of elections this coming year,” even as more laws emerge making it harder to vote.

Arab Americans Gain Greater Visibility With Designation of Little Arabia

The designation is the culmination of more than two decades of lobbying to gain recognition for the growing Arab American community in Orange County.

‘When We Fight, We Win’ — A Clarion Call For Fair Redistricting in...

A groundswell of civic engagement is emerging across communities in Mississippi in response to congressional maps that marginalize voters of color.

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