Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Peter White

Tennessee Republicans Unmoved by Growing Calls for Gun Reform

A mass shooting at a Christian elementary school in March killed six. Since then, 188 adults and 24 children have died from guns in Tennessee.

A Mixed Bag When it Comes to Diversity in Hollywood

Despite recent efforts to make the entertainment industry more reflective of the nation as whole, there is still more work to be done.

La frontera sur de Texas ‘parece una zona de guerra’

Barreras flotantes y alambre de espino son algunos de los obstáculos a los que se enfrentan los inmigrantes que intentan entrar en el país.

Texas Southern Border ‘Like a War Zone’

Floating barriers and razor wire now line the Rio Grande along the US-Mex border, one of many obstacles migrants face as they seek to enter the country.

Unions Flex Muscle Not Seen in Decades

In the hottest labor summer in 40 years, unions are demanding better contracts for working people who can’t live on their paychecks.

¿Puede matarte el no hablar inglés?

Para millones de estadounidenses con conocimientos limitados de inglés, encontrar proveedores sanitarios que hablen su propio idioma sigue siendo un reto.

Can Not Speaking English Kill You?

For millions of Americans with limited English, finding providers who speak their language remains a challenge, hampering access to quality care.

Small Business Owners Need Access to Funding

Four experts explore the challenges women and marginalized communities face to start and expand a small business.

Lawyers Who Defended Affirmative Action Say Fight Isn’t Over

They argue the decision is likely to widen existing inequities in higher education and that proponents of Affirmative Action need to find new ways to ensure diversity.

Tourists Are Leaving Their Hearts All Over the World

Despite higher travel costs, global tourism has increased. Experts say it will take 4-5 years for the industry to return to pre-pandemic levels.

There is Power in Representation

Alabama's redistricting maps were unconstitutional, suppressing the power of the Black vote, ruled the Supreme Court in a surprise decision.

Three Voices on What It Takes to Heal From Hate

A journalist and organizer, a former political prisoner and a professor of African American studies share their thoughts on how victims and communities heal from hate.

El acuerdo sobre el techo de la deuda evita el impago, a costillas de la gente de bajos recursos

El acuerdo sobre el techo de la deuda firmado el sábado por Biden deja a los más desfavorecidos con menos apoyo, mientras la deuda del país sigue aumentando.

Debt Ceiling Deal Averts Default, With Poor and Elderly Paying the Price

Held for ransom by Republicans, the debt ceiling deal Biden signed Saturday leaves those on the lower rungs with less support even as the nation’s debt continues to mount.

Advocates Sound Alarm as SCOTUS Weighs Ban on Affirmative Action

As SCOTUS weighs a ban on Affirmative Action, advocates say a ban would harm campus diversity and could be used to target other diversity efforts.

“Necesitaban un nuevo objetivo” — la oleada de leyes anti-trans arrasa en los parlamentos estatales

Estados de todo el país han aprobado o están estudiando proyectos de ley que atentan contra los derechos de las personas transgénero, alimentando el miedo e incitando a algunos a "huir en la oscuridad de la noche".

‘They Needed a New Target’ — Wave of Anti-Trans Laws Sweep State Houses

Dozens of states have passed or introduced bills targeting transgender individuals, fueling fear and prompting some to "flee in the dark of night."

Friend or Foe — The Dawn of the AI Revolution

As Big Tech races to dominate AI, technologists say the benefits are real but the loss of trust in what we see and read could be the price.

Are We Out of the Woods With COVID?

Omicron variants are killing 200-300 people a day but population immunity in the U.S. is higher and more stable than a year ago.

Children Are Dying at Rates Not Seen in 100 Years

Between 2019-2021, gun deaths among young Americans rose 50% and surpassed car accidents as the leading cause of death for the first time.

Libertad de expresión frente a seguridad nacional en la propuesta de prohibición de TikTok

TikTok has gained massive traction in the United States, but lawmakers say the platform raises serious national security concerns.

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