Monday, March 3, 2025


Lawsuits Hope to Extinguish Racist Gerrymandering in Multiple States

Voting rights advocates have brought an array of lawsuits in states across the country to stop what they say is an attempt to "rig democracy."

For Georgia’s Youth, ‘Maps are Our Future’

Youth activists in Georgia say attacks on the franchise are playing out in the state's current redistricting process.

Q&A: In Southern States, Korean Media’s Role More Important Than Ever

The Korean community in Southern states like Georgia has grown rapidly in recent years, and Korean media has helped connect them.

Voting Rights is the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time

Three different proposals to strengthen and create nationwide standards on voting are all stalled in Congress.

Redistricting Hearings Redefine What “Public” Means – Alabama and Georgia a Case in...

If Alice in Wonderland were set in Alabama, Felicia Scalzetti could play the lead role. "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make...

Activists Target Roadblocks to Fair Redistricting

Challenges to fair redistricting in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama.

Metro Atlanta’s Diversity Complicates Census Count

Clarkston Mayor Ted Terry described his city, about 20 miles east of Atlanta, as "one of the most ethnically diverse" in America.

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