Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.



It’s Not Just Giving Care, It’s Being CARE: Compassionate, Affectionate, Responsible, Empathetic

Siliconeer | Young South Asian Americans share their stories of providing comprehensive care for their grandparents.

Bridging Health Gaps in LA County

As wealth and health disparities widen nationwide, California is bridging the gap by making care accessible to all.

LA’s Huge Immigrant Population is Being Driven Out by High Cost of Housing

Dr. Manuel Pastor, Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern California Dornsife, discusses the latest State of Immigrants in Los Angeles report.

At Documented, a Unique Blend of Service Journalism and Local Reporting Bridges Immigrant...

Founders Max Siegelbaum and Mazin Sidahmed say the aim is to provide "boots on the ground" coverage of New York's expansive immigrant communities.

Florida Officials Confirm State Behind Shipment of Migrants to California

In a tweet Monday California Governor Gavin Newsom blasted Florida Governor Ron DeSantis after a group of 16 migrants was abandoned in Sacramento late last week.

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