Friday, March 14, 2025


Voting Rights Under Attack in the South

Live Friday | Supreme Court Reviews Louisiana Redistricting Case – This case now presents the next major test in this ongoing legal battle. With state leaders actively working to weaken voting protections, the outcome of this case could have national ramifications for voting rights and representation across the country.

For Georgia’s Youth, ‘Maps are Our Future’

Youth activists in Georgia say attacks on the franchise are playing out in the state's current redistricting process.

En California la redistribución de los distritos electorales por el Pueblo funciona para...

El recién terminado proceso de redistribución de los distritos electorales en California ofrece un modelo para el resto de Estados Unidos en cuanto al...

In California Redistricting By the People Works for the People

While politicians nationwide try to game the system, in California, it’s all about representation.



‘No somos invisibles’ — Hispanos alzan la voz sobre la redistribución de distritos...

Mientras la nueva redistribución de distritos, los hispanos quieren tener más voz y voto sobre quién los representa.

‘We are Not Invisible’ — Hispanics Raise Their Voice about Redistricting in Houston

While the redistricting process continues its course, Hispanic voters are raising their voice about who should represent them.

Latinos in Durham Want a Voice in Redistricting — A Kitchen Table Conversation...

Overcoming hardship and fear, some Hispanics are attending public hearings to speak out about why they want electoral maps to be redrawn.

Arizona Activists Battle To Be Heard — Redistricting Hearings Ignore State’s Diversity

The state continues to grow and diversify but the redistricting process is failing to ensure equal political representation for all its voters.

Los Angeles has most to lose in Census undercount, study finds

Los Angeles has among the lowest projected growth rates for California counties, which could mean decreased federal dollars following the 2020 Census.

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