Dr. Turner-Lloveras (above) is an assistant Professor of Medicine at Harbor-UCLA/David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles at Harbor-UCLA.
Jackie Vimo is a policy analyst who leads NILC’s economic justice program.
Araceli Martínez Ortega, La Opinion/Ethnic Media Services
Expertos en salud y políticas públicas hablan...
Jackie Vimo is a policy analyst who leads NILC’s economic justice program.
Araceli Martínez Ortega, La Opinion/Ethnic Media Services
Also available in Spanish.
Health and public policy...
Dr. Turner-Lloveras (above) is an assistant Professor of Medicine at Harbor-UCLA/David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles at Harbor-UCLA.
Also available in Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean
By Kathleen Weinstein - as told to Ethnic Media Services
Since 1910, the Census Bureau has defined rural America...
Սիւնակը պիտի թարգմանուի վեց լեզուներու եւ հրատարակուի առցանց ու տպագիր առաւել քան 50 միտիայի միջոցներով
Միտիայի բոլոր միջոցները կրնան ազատօրէն սիւնակը վերցնել նահանգապետին կայքէն
ՍԱՔՐԱՄԵՆԹՕ.- Նահանգապետ...
Governor Gavin Newsom
Available in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Armenian, and Arabic.
There’s no state in America quite like California. In troubled times for the Nation,...
By Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity
On Friday, December 6, Ethnic Media Services partnered with Arizona One and Arizona Community Foundation to hold a briefing...
California Congressman Ro Khanna, D-Fremont, attended a rally for worker rights in the U.S. Capitol building in July. Khanna, in a teleconference with ethnic media...
The following are links to press releases and information on the DHS rule change regarding Public Charge in determining immigration status.
Advocates Vow to Block...