Sunday, November 17, 2024

    Jenny Manrique

    James Webb es solo la punta del iceberg en la exploración espacial

    Los planes para devolver a los humanos a la Luna son uno de los próximos grandes esfuerzos tras el lanzamiento del telescopio de James Webb.

    Ethnic Media Reporters Recognized for Covering 2020 Epic Events

    California Governor Gavin Newsom opened the California Ethnic Media Awards on Thursday, June 3, with a special tribute to the sector for covering the epic news stories of 2020

    Empresas étnicas en la postpandemia: ¿saldrán a flote o se quedarán atrás?

    From left to right: Everett Sands, CEO, Lendistry; Ro Khanna (D), Representative, California’s 17th Congressional District; Virginia Ali, Co-founder, Ben’s Chili Bowl 200.000 pequeñas...

    Ethnic businesses in the post pandemic: Catch the boom or left behind?

    From left to right: Everett Sands, CEO, Lendistry; Ro Khanna (D), Representative, California’s 17th Congressional District; Virginia Ali, Co-founder, Ben’s Chili Bowl Also available...

    Desconfianza y falta de acceso contribuyen a las bajas tasas de niños vacunados

    From left to right: Dr. Jose Perez, Chief Medical Officer, South Central Family Health Center, Los Angeles; Dr. Grace Lee, Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford...

    Hesitancy and lack of access contribute to low rates of kids vaccinated

    From left to right: Dr. Jose Perez, Chief Medical Officer, South Central Family Health Center, Los Angeles; Dr. Grace Lee, Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford...

    Expertos abogan por la producción global de vacunas

    From left to right: Dr. Marc Lipsitch, Professor of Epidemiology and Directo, Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, Harvard School of Public Health; Peter Maybarduk,...

    Experts advocate for global vaccine production

    From left to right: Dr. Marc Lipsitch, Professor of Epidemiology and Directo, Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, Harvard School of Public Health; Peter Maybarduk,...

    Cómo pueden sanar las comunidades en la post pandemia

    Dr. Manuel Pastor (left), Distinguished Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity, University of Southern California; Leslie Cooper Johnson (right), Vice President of...

    How communities can heal post-pandemic

    Dr. Manuel Pastor (left), Distinguished Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity, University of Southern California; Leslie Cooper Johnson (right), Vice President of...

    La lucha por asegurar el derecho al voto llega al Congreso

    From left to right: Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; John C. Yang, President and Executive...

    Fight to secure the freedom to vote heats up in Congress

    From left to right: Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; John C. Yang, President and Executive...

    가정폭력 방지, 강력한 처벌과 가족 화해 모두 필요하다

    판데믹 기간 중 가정학대 사례가 늘어나고 있다. 전문가들은 가정학대 피해자 뿐만 아니라 가해자들도 가정학대 방지 및 화해 교육을 받아야 한다고 조언했다.


    คดีการทารุณกรรมพุ่งสูงขึ้นอย่างฉับพลันระหว่างช่วงการแพร่ระบาดของไวรัส ผู้เชี่ยวชาญเห็นว่าโปรแกรมที่ในการป้องกันและการไกล่เกลี่ยควรให้ทั้งผู้กระทำและผู้ถูกกระทำมามีส่วนร่วมในกระบวนการ 

    Hàn Gắn Gia Đình Đang Đối Mặt với Bạo Lực Gia Đình Qua Công Lý

    Tình cảnh bạo hành bị tăng vọt trong đại dịch. Nhiều chuyên gia khuyên các chương trình phòng ngừa và hòa giải nên bao gồm sự tham gia của người bạo hành cũng như nạn nhân.

    تسعى العدالة الإصلاحية إلى شفاء العائلات التي تواجه العنف المنزلي

    ارتفعت حالات سوء المعاملة خلال الجائحة. وفقًا للخبراء ، ينبغي لبرامج الوقاية والمصالحة إشراك المعتدين والناجين على حد سواء.


    Во время пандемии резко выросли случаи жестокого обращения в семьях. По мнению экспертов, в программах профилактики и примирения сторон должны участвовать как абьюзеры, так и их жертвы.

    Justicia Restaurativa Busca Sanar a las Familias que Enfrentan Violencia Doméstica

    Los casos de abuso se dispararon durante la pandemia. Según expertos, los programas de prevención y reconciliación deben involucrar tanto a los abusadores como a los sobrevivientes.

    Restorative Justice Seeks to Heal Families Facing Domestic Violence

    Cases of abuse skyrocketed during the pandemic. According to experts, prevention and reconciliation programs should engage abusers as well as survivors.

    “Los trabajadores de primera línea se han ganado y merecen el camino a la ciudadanía”

    Con su primer proyecto de ley el senador Alex Padilla quiere honrar también a sus padres, quienes migraron desde Chihuahua en busca del sueño americano.

    “Frontline Workers Have Earned and Deserve the Path to Citizenship”

    With his first bill, Senator Alex Padilla also wants to honor his parents, who migrated from Chihuahua in search of the American dream.

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